For any query, advice or social care support for adults, please contact Gateway to Care:
- Phone: 01422 39 3000.
- Text phone: 01422 39 3398.
- Email:
Director: Cath Gormally
- Email:
- Address: Town Hall, PO Box 51, Halifax. HX1 1TP.
Please note: For general queries, please email:
Adult Services and Wellbeing Structure
Senior Leadership Team
- Cath Gormally - Director of Adult Services and Wellbeing (DASS)
- Harriet Sykes – Principle Social Worker
- Vacant - Service Improvement and Quality Lead
- Anne Flanagan - Assistant Director - Adult Social Care Operations
- Vicky Gibbs - Service Manager - All Age Disability and Mental Health
- Tristam Carson - Operations Manager - Mental Health
- Fiona Gordon - Operations Manager - Learning Disabilities
- Alex Townsend - Service Manager - Personalised Long Term Support
- Sinead Mills - Operations Manager - Locality Teams
- Liz Wainwright - Operations Manager- Provider Services
- Lorraine Andrew - Service Manager - Prevention and Early Help
- Annette Clancy - Operations Manager Health Prevention and Early Help
- Vacant - Operations Manager Community Prevention and Early Help
- Vacancy - Principle Occupational Therapist Team Manager
- Gemma Stead - Operations Manager - Safeguarding
- Vicky Gibbs - Service Manager - All Age Disability and Mental Health
- Jill Holbert - Assistant Director - Commissioning and Partnerships
- Rachael Burdin - Service Manager Systems and Finance
- Ruth Cluer - Case Management System team Manager
- Michelle Neville - Cooper – Charging Team Manager
- Vicki Smith - Care Services and Brokerage Team Manager
- Karen Midgley - Service Manager - Integrated Commissioning Contracts and Quality
- Alison Edge - Senior Placements Officer
- Temp Vacancy - Strategic Commissioning Manager
- Jeanette Stansfield - Strategic Commissioning Manager - Children
- Bernadette Mazurke - Senior Commissioning Officer
- Rachel Pickering/Helen Woods (job share) - Senior Commissioning Officer
- Vacant - Strategic Commissioning Manager Adults
- Lynn Powell - Strategic Quality Manager
- Ann McLennan - Senior Quality Officer
- Gemma Routh - Senior Quality Officer
- Lisa Walch - Strategic Contracts Manager
- Christine Kendall - Senior Contracts Officer
- Rachael Burdin - Service Manager Systems and Finance
Service areas
There are two divisions:
- One managed by the Assistant Director for Operations;
- and the other by the Assistant Director for Commissioning, Partnerships.
As a Council, we work with a range of partners, which include: NHS, Police, Housing Providers and the Voluntary Sector. This makes sure that there are good outcomes for the health and wellbeing of people who need care and support. We also work alongside colleagues in health settings, such as:
- Integrated Care Board (ICB).
- The acute and mental health trusts (CHFT and SWPFT).
This helps us to develop services that aim to improve the health and well-being of Calderdale residents.
Overview: Adult Services and Wellbeing
Adults Services and Wellbeing
Director: Cath Gormally
The Directorate has three broad functions:
- Prevention. For example, Gateway to Care, Safeguarding and Hospital Social Work.
- Long Term Support. For example, Social Work Practice and Locality Teams.
- Direct Service Provision, such as:
- Some day opportunities for Older People and People with Disabilities;
- Reablement;
- Extra Care Housing;
- Shared Lives;
- and community/tenancy support for people with learning disabilities and mental ill health.
The Directorate's vision
- To enable people, who need care or support, to live independently and safely in their own homes;
- for as long as possible, through social care practice;
- and delivery that is increasingly strength and asset focussed.
Our objectives
- Focus on people's strengths, social networks and community assets.
- Increase independence, community connectedness and economic resilience.
- Support people to be in control of the things that are important to them.
- Reduce long-term needs and minimise dependency.
- Facilitate the right “prevention” and early help.
- Provide a range of timely interventions, in conjunction with partners.
The building blocks to ensure that we can achieve our objectives and be the best we can be are:
- The Best We Can Be:
- Our Workforce is supported and representative.
- Our Policies and Procedures are clear and consistent.
- Our Systems are effective and efficient.
The Directorate is responsible for:
- Information, signposting, assessment and direct delivery of Adult Social Care.
- The commissioning of a range of support and interventions for Adults.
- The All-Age Disability service working closely with the Director for Children and Young People's Services.
Our focus is to make sure that:
- We provide accessible information to help people remain independent.
- We deliver early help and support:
- That connects people to their communities to prevent social isolation;
- and gets people back 'on their feet'.
- Where people are assessed has having eligible social care and support needs:
- We build on their strengths;
- keep them connected to their communities;
- and maximise their independence.
- Support and interventions are personalised and give people control and choice in how their support meets their outcomes.
- There is a high quality social care market that is both sustainable and able to respond to changing needs.
- Adults are effectively safeguarded from abuse whilst being supported to take positive risks to participate in community life.
Integrated Commissioning, Contracts and Quality Service
Integrated Commissioning and Partnerships
Assistant Director: Jill Holbert
Systems and Finance Service Manager: Rachael Burdin
Integrated Commissioning, Contracts and Quality (ICCQ)
Service Manager: Karen Midgley
- This service (ICCQ) brings together all adults and children's commissioning, procurement, contracts and quality monitoring functions.
- It has a budget of £86.262m -with the majority being for adults.
The service is made up by a number of smaller teams:
Commissioning Team
Strategic Commissioning Manager - Adults: Vacant
Strategic Commissioning Manager - Childrens: Jeanette Stansfield
This team is responsible for the commissioning and the re-commissioning of services for adults and children's services (where appropriate).
Quality Team
Strategic Manager: Lynn Powell
The main role of the team is:
- To monitor social care and public health services;
- and make sure that they achieve the desired outcomes and are safe and compliant.
To achieve this, they:
- Evaluate a range of information and data from different sources;
- and undertake contract monitoring visits and provider meetings.
Providers are both supported to improve and held to account.
Contracts Team
Strategic Contracts Manager: Lisa Walch
This team is responsible for the planning and delivery of procurement of health and social care services. They do this through tenders and quotation exercises, as well as with contract management.
- A contracts register is kept for social care services. This is used to help keep the Client Information System up to date with contract and fee information.
- The team carries out the annual fee review process.
- It also makes sure that contracted providers are paid on time and in accordance with their contract terms.
Placements Team
Senior External Placements Officer: Alison Edge
This team is responsible for the placement finding function for all externally commissioned children's placements. This is across all settings:
- Residential;
- independent fostering agencies;
- and leaving care provision.
Social Care Operations
Social Care Operations
Assistant Director: Anne Flanagan.
This covers three service areas:
Prevention and Early Help
Service Manager: Lorraine Andrew.
Personalised Long-Term Support
Service Manager: Lisa Willcox (Interim).
All Aged Disabilities and Adult Mental Health
Service Manager: Lisa Willcox (Interim).