Your Vote Matters! How to vote All you need to know about how to vote in Calderdale. Voter identification Here you can find out what photo ID you can use at polling stations and what to do if you have none. Register to vote Here you can find details on how to register to vote in Calderdale. Electoral offences Here you can find information on electoral offences and what action to take. Further information Electoral reviews Find out what an electoral review is, why we have them and how you can have your say. Electoral register Find out about the Electoral Register and Open Register in Calderdale. Election results Find results for Local, Parish, General, Parliamentary and other elections in Calderdale. Elections Act Find out what changes are coming for elections. Future elections Find out about current and future elections in Calderdale. Electoral statistics Voter identification statistics for elections. Annual canvass This is carried out to check that the information on the Electoral Register is up to date.
Voter identification Here you can find out what photo ID you can use at polling stations and what to do if you have none.
Electoral reviews Find out what an electoral review is, why we have them and how you can have your say.
Election results Find results for Local, Parish, General, Parliamentary and other elections in Calderdale.
Annual canvass This is carried out to check that the information on the Electoral Register is up to date.