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Electoral reviews

Find out what an electoral review is, why we have them and how you can have your say.

What they are

Reviews of our electoral arrangements.

These are carried out by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (the Commission), which is an independent statutory body. They work to:

  • Provide electoral arrangements that are fair and deliver electoral equality for voters.
  • Help deliver effective and convenient local government to citizens.

This review is not exclusive to Calderdale. There are many taking place across country.

Why Wards are being reviewed

Reviews are carried out to see if Ward boundaries within a local authority need to be altered. This is to make sure there is effective local government and electoral equality.

Equality is when all Councillors represent roughly the same number of electors.

The last review in Calderdale was in 2003.

The Commission will recommend changes on:

  • The number of wards.
  • The names of wards.
  • Where the boundaries between wards should lie.
  • The number of Councillors for each ward.

The process

The Commission has guidance on how it carries out reviews and the information it takes into account. This can be found on their website.

There are a number of key stages that are set out in the electoral review timetable.

For more about this, please visit: Guidance for Residents and Community Groups.

How the review will affect you

It may change the electoral warding arrangements within the Borough affecting voters at local elections.

  • At the end of the review there may be more or less wards.
  • Wards may change boundaries and be called different names to best describe the area they cover.
  • Some may be represented by a different number of Councillors, as some have one, two or three Councillors. This depends on how many electors there are in each ward.

The polling station residents use could change. After the Commission has published the changes they recommend, we will review all polling stations across the Borough.


  • Closed on 22nd January 2024.

Final recommendations

These have now been published. To see what they are, visit: Calderdale (Local Government Boundary Commission).

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