We are your first point of contact for adult social care. We offer you practical information and advice to help you to live independently at home. This can include things like:
- help with mobility and confidence after an accident, illness, injury or deterioration in a condition.
The team has the expertise to make sure you get coordinated care, support and advice.
It was set up after the Council and NHS Calderdale asked patients, public and staff what services they wanted. The answers were:
- A way to get help and advice quickly and easily, with one assessment.
- Avoid being admitted to hospital.
- Services to work together to care for them safely at home instead.
Contact us
For us to process your enquiry, please make sure you have the consent of the subject of the contact.
Send us a message or see
Other ways to contact us
Gateway to Care provides one number to call for all your social care needs and some health concerns, phone: (01422) 393000.
Do you want to speak to a particular advisor? Just phone Gateway to Care on the main number and ask to be transferred to that person. If he or she is not available, you can ask for them to call you back.
When we are open
- Monday to Thursday from 8.45am to 5pm.
- Friday from 8.45am to 4.30pm.
- Please note: We are closed on Saturday and Sunday and public holidays.
Do you have social care needs causing risk or concern outside the hours noted above? Please contact the Emergency Duty Team on: (01422) 288000.
Giving us your details
To help us process your enquiry, when you contact us please make sure you include:
- Full name of referrer.
- Referrer phone number.
- Full name of client (if not referrer).
- Client address.
- Client DOB.
- Client phone number.
- If you already have an allocated worker, please provide their name.
- Summary of current situation/what support is required (give as much information as possible).
How we can help
Access to services for older people, people with physical and sensory disabilities and their carers
Gateway to Care is a specialist team of friendly and experienced:
- Social Care Advisors;
- Clinical Advisors;
- and Social Workers
Do you need to know about:
- community alarms;
- frozen meals;
- bus passes for disabled people;
- home adaptations;
- support when you come out of hospital;
- practical advice on staying independent in your own home;
- what to do to avoid unnecessary stays in hospital?
The team is here to offer you advice with your social care needs. They can also put you in touch with various services if you need other specialist support, phone: 01422 393000.
Simple adaptations can make your life easier and help you to remain independent in your own home. For more on how they can help, please see:
- Video: Home Adaptations (YouTube).
- Video: Handy Person Service (YouTube).
You are entitled to a full assessment of your needs, whether for yourself or as a carer. For this, you will be referred to a specialist Social Work team to help you complete a Community Care Assessment.
For more on how the Community Care Assessment is used to consider your needs, see:
- Video: Assessing your needs (YouTube).
Staff in these teams can give advice and support to older people and people with physical and sensory disabilities. This is to help them live as independently as possible:
- in their own homes;
- or in suitable residential settings in the community.
There is also support if you are caring for someone who is dependent on you.
There is a charging system in place. This will be fully explained to you and your carers.
You will also be given information about the Council's Complaints and Compliments service.
Access to health services
Have you had:
- an accident;
- illness;
- injury;
- or deterioration in a health condition?
Our staff can give you advice about staying independent, mobile and confident. Please contact: Gateway to Care.
Access to services for people with mental health problems
Community Mental Health Teams
North Halifax
- Beechwood Health Centre
Keighley Road
HX2 8AL. - Telephone: 01422 355626
South Halifax
- Elmfield House
50/52 Prescott Street
HX1 2QW - Telephone: 01422 383062
Access to services for people who have a learning disability
- Community Learning Disability Teams
Calderdale Council
Carlton Mill, Wharf Street
Sowerby Bridge
HX6 2AS - Telephone: 01422 363561
Hospital Social Work Team
After a stay in hospital, you may need support to continue living independently at home.
If you ask for this, a social worker can:
- look into what help you need;
- and work with you to arrange the services.
You can:
- contact Gateway to Care before you go into hospital;
- or ask to see a social worker while you are in hospital.
More information
How your details will be used
We will need to take your details if you want:
- a visit from a social work professional;
- or would like us to install some equipment for you.
We will ask you for permission to go through the contact questions. This will help us to find out other areas that you might need some help with.
If you just want information from us, you do not need to give your details. Although, we may ask for some basic details to help us monitor the services that we offer.
If you need a service, we will open a computerised file with information about your call. This will be details of your contact questions and the services that you are getting from us. If you have a named social worker, these details will help us to know who is involved in your case. If you:
- phone for information, you do not have to give us your details.
- do give us with your details, we will record them on our systems. This will include:
- a note of your query, so we can see the type of calls we are dealing with;
- and the area from which the call is received.
- call us again, records of earlier conversations will help us to give you the highest level of service.
Making a complaint
Please speak to a senior advisor or team manager first. It will then be passed to the team (compliment) or investigated (complaint).
If you want to take your compliment or complaint further, please visit: Complaints and compliments.
Equal opportunities
We are aware of the diverse needs of our residents and local communities. So, we aim to make sure our services are:
- Accessible to all.
- Delivered in a way that is appropriate, fair and sensitive.