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Age Friendly Calderdale

Find out what this is about and what we are doing.

In Calderdale, four in ten of the population are aged fifty plus. One in five of the population are aged sixty-five and over. By 2040 one in four people will be aged sixty-five and over.

To support older people in Calderdale we have joined the UK Network of Age Friendly Communities. We aim to create an Age Friendly place where older people have strong social networks and live in vibrant communities.

Age Friendly Communities

These are part of a global movement led by the World Health Organisation (WHO). They have been developed from the evidence of what supports healthy and active ageing in a place.

  • Their Age Friendly framework includes eight themes to improve communities to meet the needs of older people.
  • Older people in Calderdale stated five themes as being central to an Age Friendly community:
    1. Accessibility.
    2. Housing.
    3. Getting About.
    4. Things To Do.
    5. Safety and Belonging.

To find out more, please read our:

Calderdale Forum 50 Plus 

Calderdale Forum 50 Plus is a community group and online newspaper. The forum provides vital national and local information for people aged 50 and over.

The forum publishes news stories and information and guidance. This includes key later life issues such as housing, benefits and finance. Also care of all kinds and physical and mental health.

The forum signposts and connects people aged over 50 to:

  • Local groups
  • Clubs
  • Societies
  • Charities
  • Events
  • Service providers. 

Their In Touch Directory hosts over 200 groups and activities aimed at connecting the over 50s to things to do.

The Calderdale Forum 50 Plus website, and social media feeds (Facebook and X/Twitter) are updated several times each week. An e-newsletter is published monthly.

Calderdale Forum 50 Plus hold bi-monthly committee meetings. These are open to older residents of Calderdale to share their issues and concerns.

The forum works in partnership with local bodies. These include Age UK, Active Calderdale, Calderdale Council, Calderdale Dementia Friendly Community, and Disability Partnership Calderdale.

Projects in Calderdale

Age-friendly Employer Pledge

We have signed up to this in Calderdale. It is a nationwide programme for employers who recognise the importance and value of older workers.

Employers commit to improve work practices and conditions for people in their 50s and 60s.

Rightsizing Campaign

This is about finding a home that is right for now and in the future. This could mean:

  • Moving to a smaller home or somewhere on one level.
  • Moving near family or staying close to shops and health care.
  • Exploring supported living or retirement options.

There are many different rightsizing options available in Calderdale.

Community Information Directory (Calderdale)

This is a free interactive directory that brings together information, advice and guidance for older people in one place.

There is information about community groups, activities organisations and services that support the health and wellbeing of older people.

Age Friendly and Dementia Friendly standard

We are working on this along with:

The standard recognises the commitment of shops and businesses to meet the needs of older people and those with dementia.

Improving accessibility for older people in Calderdale

Access audits have been completed in our parks and town centres by:

These highlight good practice and areas for improvement in the spaces that we use in our community.

For accessible Calderdale guides and resources, visit: Visit Calderdale.

Events and Campaigns

We support and promote events and campaigns throughout the year. For 2024, these include:

For more information or to get involved with Age Friendly Calderdale, please email:

Ageing Well Survey 2024

To see the results and read about what the Ageing Well Alliance is doing, please see:

Links and Key Documents

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