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Brighouse town centre on-street parking

Find details of on-street parking in Brighouse.

To find any parking location on this page, please see: Streets map.

Disabled parking for Blue Badge holders

Designated bays can be found at Thornton Square, King Street and Lawson Road.

For more about parking, please see: Using your blue badge.

Loading bays

For loading and unloading only and this must be seen to be taking place. Note: Check street signs for local restriction times.

Designated loading bays can be found at Commercial Street and Ludenscheid Link.


Park for free in any Pay and Display bay (on or off-street). Note: Check street signs for local restriction times.

Parking motorcycles in spaces reserved for other users, on public footpaths and in pedestrian areas is not permitted.

Pay and Display bays (Short stay)

  • Charging times: Monday to Saturday from 8am to 6pm (except Bank Holidays).
  • Maximum Stay: 1 hour and no return within 1 hour (during charging times only).
  • Method of Payment: Cash or APCOA Connect.


Street name Maximum stay Tariff Contract permits
Bethel Street. 1 hour

20p for 30 minutes.

40p for 1 hour.

Bradford Road. 1 hour

20p for 30 minutes.

40p for 1 hour.

Briggate. 1 hour

20p for 30 minutes.

40p for 1 hour.

Commercial Street. 1 hour

20p for 30 minutes.

40p for 1 hour.

Gooder Street. 1 hour

20p for 30 minutes.

40p for 1 hour.

King Street. 1 hour

20p for 30 minutes.

40p for 1 hour.

Market Street. 1 hour

20p for 30 minutes.

40p for 1 hour.

Park Street. 1 hour

20p for 30 minutes.

40p for 1 hour.


Note: Please check tariffs at each Pay and Display machine.

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