- Council - Calderdale Council, Communities & Service Support, or a Manager specifically authorised to act on its behalf.
- Sports Services Manager - The person appointed by the Council to manage the Sports Service or his Deputy.
- Hirer - Any individual group or club who, upon prior agreement, uses the facilities, comprising the said Leisure/Sports facilities.
- User - User means any person using the Centre whether as a participant or as a spectator.
- Premises - The whole or any part of the facility, or facilities, or areas, including changing rooms, balcony areas, car parks.
Hire charges
The sum fixed from time to time as the amount to be paid by the hirer for the use of the said facilities per hour. The Council reserves the right to increase all hire charges and shall provide a minimum of one month’s notification to the hirer prior to any increase. The hirer shall be liable to pay the increased hire charge for any subsequent hiring.
All casual bookings made within an 8 day period must be paid for at the time of booking.
*Block bookings must be paid for 14 days prior to each booked period of hire. Major events must be paid for, in full, 14 days in advance of the booking.
On-line bookings – Any bookings made on line must be paid for at time of booking.
*Block bookings – for a block booking to be entitled to VAT relief the following Conditions also apply:-
- The booking consists of 10 or more sessions.
- Each of those sessions is for the same sport or activity.
- Each session is in the same place (meaning the same premises or sports ground).
- The interval between each session is at least one day but not more than 14 days.
- There is a written contractual agreement between both parties that all sessions will be paid for. See below regarding cancellation and refunds.
- The hirer cannot be allowed to cancel any sessions and receive a refund.
- The hirer has exclusive use of the area/facility specified.
- The hirer is; a school, a club or an association representing affiliated clubs or constituent associations
Individual teams can be treated as clubs provided that they conduct their affairs in the same manner. This would mean entering into formal agreements with the operator of the premises specifying a named contact, collecting subscriptions from members and so forth. (This would be by the official booking form)
IMPORTANT – Please note all of the above conditions must be complied with or VAT will become due for the entire series of bookings as per HMRC regulations.
In the event of charges not being paid in accordance with these Conditions, all booked periods of hire may be cancelled by the Manager without prior notice to the hirer.
Members bookings
Members are entitled to book squash and off peak racket sports. Members will be restricted to a one hour court booking per day (40 minutes for a squash court).
The Centre shall not be used for a period longer than the booked period of hire. If in contravention of this condition, the hirer will be charged for the excess period at such rate, as the Manager considers appropriate for the use of the Centre but not less than the normal hiring rate.
There shall be no sub-letting of the Centre without the Manager’s permission in writing.
No club shall levy any charge in connection with their booked period of hire without the prior consent of the Manager.
In the event of the hirer cancelling or failing to take up any booked period of hire the charges payable in respect there of shall remain due, but if the booking is re let, then the Manager, at his discretion may return up to 100% of the charge for such a period to the hirer.
Any major event or one off hire of the facility must be cancelled in writing a minimum of 14 days in advance not to incur charges.
The Council acting through the Manager of the Centre reserves the power to refuse any application or to cancel or terminate any booking for any reason whatsoever. All monies paid in respect of bookings cancelled in accordance with this condition will be refunded, provided that the hirer has complied with the conditions governing the general use of the Centre. The Council should not be liable for any other expenditure incurred or loss sustained, whether directly or indirectly by the hirer arising from the cancellation. Notwithstanding this, the Council will use its best endeavours to ensure that reasonable notification of the cancellation is given to the Hirer.
The Manager may at his discretion require that the application by the hirer be covered by an individual insurance policy, which shall give cover of £5 million pounds for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of the period of hire.
The Council reserves the right to require the hirer to submit to the Council such policy and premium receipt for approval. Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this clause may result in the termination of the hiring.
The Council carries 3rd party insurance in respect of claims arising due to its own negligence. The Council does not carry 3rd party insurance to cover any other groups in respect of 3rd party claims.
All Occasional hirers must use Communities & Service Support employees at the rates, which can be given on application for hire. Failure by the hirer to fully comply with this section may result in the hire being cancelled without notice.
Casual bookings
Bookings can be made 8 days in advance online, by telephone or in person. Members cannot book activities/classes for other members.
Payment must be made at the time of booking.
Courts are booked 60 minute slots except squash courts which are 40 minutes. Please allow for a 5 minute changeover time at the beginning of the booking.
Concession cards must be provided by all parties for a discount to apply.
If you need to cancel your booking please do so with as much notice as possible in order for the centre to provide other customers a chance to book the court/sports hall. Customers will be eligible for a full refund if 24 hours’ notice is provided.
Fire evacuation procedure
At the commencement of all spectator events the following announcement must be made by the hirer:
- In the interest of Public Health and Safety, there will be NO SMOKING permitted within the building.
- Should it be necessary to evacuate the building in the event of an emergency or for whatever reason and alarm will be sounded and/or an announcement made over the Public Address System.
All spectators must immediately leave the building by the nearest signed exit. Please familiarise yourself with the location of these. Identifiable staff will be on hand to direct and assist when required.
Responsibility of the hirer
The Hirer shall ensure that all members of any club or persons using the Centre as a result of the hirer’s application shall comply with the conditions governing the general use of the Centre. The hirer shall be liable to the Council for any breach thereof as if the hirer has committed such breach.
The hirer shall be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of all participants. Special attention must be paid to ensure children and vulnerable adults are appropriately looked after. This includes ensuring all officials of registered clubs/schools are CRB checked.
The Hirer shall provide sufficient stewards to maintain good order during the booked period of hire and shall expel any person acting in a disorderly manner or disobeying an instruction of the manager.
Seating must not be re arranged or added to. All door entrances, corridors and exits must be kept clear at all times and ready for use in an emergency.
The hirer shall be responsible to indemnify the Council against all claims for damages, costs or expenses which may be made against the Council in respect of personal injury or loss or damage to property, where such loss or damage occurs during or inconsequence of the hiring of the premises.
The hirer shall not be deemed responsible for or liable to indemnify the Council in respect of any personal injury or damage to property where such loss or damage occurs during or inconsequence of hiring the premises.
The hirer shall not be deemed responsible for, or liable to indemnify the Council in respect or any personal injury or damage to property deemed to have been caused by defect in the building, fittings, equipment in use at any time.
The hirer shall not use the Centre for any purpose other than the purpose for which the same was hired.
The manager shall at all times during the booked period of hire have access to and access from the Centre and instructions must be given by the hirer to permit his admission.
The taking of photographs or films and the recording by any method of activities or events taking place within the Centre is forbidden except with the prior approval of the manager.
The hirer shall be solely responsible for the repair of any damage caused directly or indirectly to any equipment used during the booked period of hire. This includes delivery or collection of items by outside bodies. The use of such equipment is only permitted with the written consent of the manager. The hirer shall further be responsible for any loss of revenue caused directly or indirectly by such damage.
Portable electrical equipment – no such equipment is permitted without approval by the Centre manager – such equipment must conform with the Electricity at Work Regulations and only after confirmation or acceptability by the Centre manager may the equipment be used.
No article of dangerous or offensive character or any inflammable materials shall be brought into the Centre by the hirer.
No nail or fastening of any kind of advertisement may be placed in or on any part of the Centre without the prior consent of the manager.
No fly posting of any description of events taking place at the Centre is permitted. Promoters of events to which the poster gives publicity are liable to prosecution.
In the event of any breach of these conditions the user may be required by the manager to leave the Centre and forfeit the charge paid by him for entry or use of the Centre but without prejudice to any claim, which the Council may have against him by virtue of these Conditions, or any legal process.
No food or drink of any kind may be brought into the Centre, without prior permission of the manager.
Where permission is requested for the use of outside caters or the provision of own food, the hirer should not undertake any commitment until permission is received from the manager in writing. The Council shall not be liable for any costs incurred in this way where permission in writing has not been granted.
Where permission for outside caterers is granted in writing the detailed requirements of the manager must be followed. The Centre must be left in a clean, tidy and hygienic state with all waste food and materials being removed by the hirers. The cost of any additional cleaning which is necessary will be re charged in full to the hirer.
The loss or damage of any equipment belonging to the Centre will be re charged in full to the hirer. The hirer will not normally be permitted to provide his own drinks whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic.
Marketing – Promotion of activities
The Council agrees to promote through posters/social media, events taking place at its Centre’s. All posters and internal marketing must be of a professional nature. All marketing to be agreed at the time of booking.
Damage or loss
The Council shall not be responsible for any failure of the main electricity to the Centre or for any loss or damage to the property of the hirer or injury to any person by the hirer caused through accident, fire, theft or any other cause whatsoever unless arising through the negligence or default of the Council.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 1995
It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that any accident/incident, which occurs during the period of the hire, is reported promptly to the Centre Manager. If for some reason this is not possible, e.g. the accident/incident/injury does not come to light until after persons have left the Centre. It must be reported to the Centre within 24 hours.
Alterations to rules and conditions
The Council reserves the power without prior notice at any time to alter or amend the whole or any part of these Conditions.