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Are you claiming your Pension Credit?

Figures suggest that around a third of our eligible residents might not be getting the benefits they are entitled to.

Did you know that £6.8 million is unclaimed in Calderdale?

(Estimate based on latest published figures obtained from the Department for Work and Pensions.)

We would like to call all Calderdale people of State Pension age and over to apply for Pension Credit.

  • Figures suggest that around a third of our eligible residents might not be getting the benefits they are entitled to.
  • We encourage every one of State Pension age to check their eligibility. Even if they do not think they need any more support. To do this easily yourself, visit: Pension Credit calculator (GOV.UK).

There are many other benefits that come with claiming this. These include:

  • Free NHS dental treatment and check-ups.
  • Free sight tests, vouchers for glasses and contact lenses.
  • Help with travel costs to and from hospital.
  • Cold Weather Payments.
  • A free TV licence.

Calderdale Council and Age UK can help if you need support to make a claim:

Age UK

Calderdale Council

  • Phone: 01422 288005.

You can apply online directly, visit: Apply for Pension Credit (GOV.UK). This tells you what documents you need to apply.

You can also phone the Pension Credit claim line: 0800 99 1234.

Other helpful information about saving for later life

Find out what other benefits you may be able to claim:

  • More money in your pocket. Help from Age UK about how to claim the right benefits in later life.
  • Money Helper provides independent, free personalised pensions advice on state pension entitlement, pension credit and pension flexibility.
  • How to spot a pension scam. Be alert to pension scams as they are on the increase. Some scammers have very convincing websites and other online presence, which make them look like a legitimate company. Always check with the FCA Financial Services Register to make sure they’re registered.

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