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Pubwatch scheme

This is a community based crime prevention scheme, organised and run by licensees. It helps landlords to support each other, exchange information and talk about problems in the area.

Calderdale's Pubwatch Network links all the local schemes and brings members together.

  • This help to make sure that everyone is kept up-to-date.
  • All members get the same support and information from the Police and Council. This makes sure that information about crime and people who are banned get to everyone.
  • It also makes sure all Pubwatch Schemes are run the same, using the same systems.

Working together makes it safer and more secure in and around licensed premises for everyone. West Yorkshire Police and Calderdale Council support these schemes.

For a guide on how to set up, run or join a scheme, read the Pubwatch Scheme and Network Guidelines. It also covers how your area can be part of a network with other schemes across the Borough.


At these, licensees talk about ways to reduce problems and make life difficult for those who cause them, such as:

  • Under age-drinking.
  • antisocial behaviour, such as: drunkenness, drinking in the street, theft, drugs, vandalism and assaults.

For more details, visit: National Pubwatch.

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