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Planning enforcement complainant - privacy notice

View our latest privacy notice for the purposes of investigating your complaint about an alleged breach of planning control.

How we use your information

Calderdale Council is registered with the information Commissioners Office (ICO) under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. The Council takes its responsibilities under the Act very seriously.

The information provided by you is collected purely for the purposes of investigating your complaint about an alleged breach of planning control. We need to collect this information in order to maintain accurate records of your name and contact details so that we can keep you updated on the investigation and it’s outcome. Sharing your information with us constitutes explicit consent from you for us to process your data for this purpose. Providing your data in this way allows us to confirm that the complaint is credible and enables us to investigate the alleged breach of planning control under powers vested in the Local Planning Authority under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Your information may be shared with the following internal services/external organisations depending on the nature of your complaint:

Highways Development Control Environmental Health Building Control Lead Local Flood Authority Legal Services Planning Inspectorate (in the event of an appeal) High Court (in the event of a judicial review or Challenge)

You have the right to see what information is held about you, to have inaccurate information corrected and to have information removed from our system unless we are required by law or a statutory purpose to keep it, by writing to

In addition you have the right to complain to the Data Protection Officer if you feel that your data has not been handled in accordance with the law. You can contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer at

Your name and contact details are recorded electronically on our system and held in paper format to maintain up to date records. This information will be kept for 12 years after the closure of the enforcement file, unless

  • the investigation results in the service of a formal notice in which case this information will be held indefinitely, in line with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
  • or you have submitted an enquiry about a possible breach of planning control and the matter wasn’t considered to justify the making up and referencing of a formal enforcement file, in which case your name and contact details will be retained for a maximum of 1 year after receipt
  • or until such time as the data is reviewed by us or removed at your request

Information Governance

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