Our vision
Our vision for Calderdale in 2024 is for a place where you can realise your potential whoever you are, whether your voice has been heard or unheard in the past.
We aspire to be a place where talent and enterprise can thrive.
A place defined by our innate kindness and resilience, by how our people care for each other, are able to recover from setbacks and are full of hope.
Calderdale will stand out, be known and be distinctive.
A great place to visit, but most importantly, a place to live a larger life.

Where we are
Kind & Resilient
Enterprising & Talented
How it started
2024 is an important year for Calderdale
Not only does it mark 50 years since Calderdale and the Council were formed in 1974, but also the culmination of our Vision 2024 and the start of our iconic Year of Culture.


One of our biggest events of the year, 'We are Calderdale' took place at Dean Clough in Halifax in June 2024.
Over 250 people gathered to celebrate 50 years of the borough of Calderdale, the realisation of Vision 2024, the ambitions for 2024 and beyond, and our Year of Culture.
This year’s event was a real celebration of all that is great about Calderdale, with touching stories shared from across our communities. There were exhilarating performances from:
- Annapurna Indian Dance,
- Parkinson Lane Community Primary School,
- Performing Arts students from Trinity Sixth Form College,
- Music from our local ESOL choir.
Watch the video below for some of the highlights:
Our Calderdale - an ode to Calderdale
To capture the special day and moment in time, we commissioned Andy Rollins to co-create a poem with attendees. 'Our Calderdale' brings the thoughts, feelings and experiences shared by our communities to life.
Select the video below to hear the poem performed by Andy:
We are Calderdale 2024 poem
Join me as I travel through OUR Calderdale.
Feel the synergy as we - you the reader and me the writer - join our thoughts and hopes as we dream of our borough. We can scale the hills, traverse the moors, saunter and cycle the canal towpaths and drop into our towns from the comfort of our own homes.
Look out and ahead! Oh what beauty nature has deployed on our striking ‘Dale. The picturesque rushing of Lumb Falls, the tranquillity and splendour of Hardcastle Crags, the jutting pinnacle of Ladstone Rock and the majesty of Beacon Hill are just a few. You can and will now think of places that can remove our breath with their beauty, be it in summer sun, autumn rain or the white coat of winter.
Hey! We’ve built our heritage too; Wainhouse erected his tower that stands ‘soldier like’ ‘at attention’ on our skyline, keeping half an eye on its neighbour across the valley at Stoodley Pike.
We have a quirky tendency for the strange and mysterious here as well, we like our old tales. Visitors must wonder what is a ‘Churn Milk Joan’ who is ‘Eave’ and why has she a wood? This wander through nature and our attempts to elaborate on it can only lead to our other architectural triumphs, as throughout our history we saw the great and the good offer us an unrivalled feast of notable buildings to view: Dean Clough and its metamorphosis from mill to happening venue, Shibden and its house that now draws from each corner of the world - in some part due to a groundbreaking woman’s diary! And of course our now world famous Piece Hall, from a place to sell cloth to a place to sit, dance, enjoy and buy.
Commerce and necessity forced us to dam some of our valleys but think now of the summer sun’s rays shimmering on Ogden, Gaddings and Baitings, giving us a new reason to explore and enjoy nature. Among all this grandeur we remain though, simple folk and sometimes a track where I can walk my dog elicits as much pleasure as a stately edifice.
Such walks on our doorstep are one of the many reasons we love it here. Its communities exist and thrive in our vast green spaces offering a place where you can make a difference and be valued. As people, we are brave and not afraid to get stuck in and will argue our lot if others talk us down. Oh, but acceptance permeates, we’ll even make southerners feel like this is their spiritual home and this currency of kindness provokes our sense of belonging.
We’ve gone far now on our mental journey, does hunger and thirst pang even in the dream state? No true Calderdale-ite will ever turn down tea, cake or beer and as we offer everything you could want in nature and architecture we provide every possible sustenance. Again that diversity strikes home as Italian, Thai and Turkish mix with Indian, Korean and European. Whatever your culinary desire; coffee, tea or toast: lunch, brunch or roast. In hotel, pop-up or pantry; chippy, bar or café we cater.
Are we sated now? Let’s contemplate, settling our imaginary full bellies and look again out at our marvellous vista. What does this place mean to us? This colourful and kind rolling landscape, this unpredictable, beautifully bonkers wonderful juxtaposition of Yorkshire and Lancashire and its distinct history and elegance.
Come on dream more and look to our future, a time when our children are our age now and what we hope Calderdale is both to remain and to be. Will it continue to improve local lives? A place where hopes and dreams are realised? A place where we continue to empower young people to make a difference? Will it stay a welcoming environment to others? A region that’s socially integrated and aspirational? Where our diverse towns are woven together as one with true Yorkshire grit?
Wake now from our dreaming, dear reader, and rejoice in the knowledge that we share a magnificent area. now, tomorrow and in years to come, with all your joint passion and hard work we can proudly declare…
“We are Calderdale”.
Past events
2023 We Are Calderdale

We Are Calderdale 2023 was bigger than ever, marking one year to go until Vision 2024.
Over 300 people gathered to hear the story of the Vision – how far we have come since it was launched in 2018, stories from local communities, where we are now with a year to go, the future beyond 2024 and how everyone can work together. The event also highlighted the distinctive culture that makes Calderdale so special ahead of the Year of Culture in 2024.
It was a thought-provoking morning, with inspiring accounts from partners and performances from Calderdale College and Trinity Sixth Form Academy students bringing the Vision story to life.
Watch the presentation given at the event by Robin Tuddenham, Chief Executive of Calderdale Council: Watch video on YouTube
2022 Calderdale Together

We Are Calderdale’s event theme this year was Calderdale Together - together we are stronger and more resilient.
It was wonderful to come together after a challenging few years. Although attendee numbers were limited, the event was livestreamed on Calderdale Council’s social media channels for a greater number to participate online.
Together with young people from both Calderdale and Trinity Sixth Form Colleges, we showcased how local people have collaborated, innovated and supported our communities and individuals. It was a thought-provoking morning as we listened to people’s stories, young people’s feelings about how we are responding to the climate emergency and discovered more about our community partners.
2021 We Are Still Calderdale
We are Still Calderdale event was a chance for businesses, stakeholders, leaders and residents of Calderdale to come together virtually to reflect on the past year and celebrate Calderdale’s community spirit and determination. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing guidance, the 3-hour event was livestreamed on Calderdale Council’s social media for attendees to participate online.
The key note speaker was Hannah Cockroft, Paralympic Champion and World Record Holder. She spoke of her personal challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, why Calderdale is such a resilience place and how it will bounce back post-pandemic.
The event was co-presented by students at Trinity Sixth Form, Halifax. They played a key part in every element from welcoming guests to closing the event with a musical performance by students from Calderdale College.
2019 We Are Calderdale
This year’s ‘We are Calderdale’ was a chance to celebrate the progress which has been made towards achieving Vision 2024. To recognise the challenges faced as a place and give a chance to share ambitions for the next 12 months.
The key note speaker was Julia Unwin, Chair of the Independent Commission on the future of Civil Society, who spoke on ‘The Power of Kindness’, one of the five themes within Vision 2024.
This was followed by the launch in Calderdale of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership’s. These are ‘Looking out for our Neighbours’ campaign by Kim Leadbeater, sister of Jo Cox. This complements the Staying Well programme in helping to tackle loneliness and social isolation. More information on the campaign can be found at www.calderdaleccg.nhs.uk.
Chief Officer at Calderdale CCG, Matt Walsh, led a panel discussion on the theme of ‘kind and resilient’ whilst John Fox, Managing Director at Lucy Zodion Ltd in Sowerby Bridge chaired a discussion on ‘enterprising and talented’.
Nicky Chance Thompson, Chief Executive at The Piece Hall Trust explored the ‘distinctive’ theme.
The Director of the Bradford Institute for Health Research and Clinical Director for the Yorkshire and Humberside Improvement Academy, Professor John Wright provided insights into the importance of building a healthy place.
Finally Calderdale Council’s Chief Executive, Robin Tuddenham, summarised the achievements and challenges of the past year. This included the autumn launch of the Council’s Inclusive Economy strategy, a key mechanism to grow the local economy and promote wellbeing across Calderdale.
Plans for the next 12 months are even more ambitious. At the event the new and unique Future Skills Academy was launched to develop future leaders across Calderdale with a learning programme developed by Calderdale College. The Council will also work in partnership with Public Square to improve local democracy, researching how to improve local decision making and participation by local people. The implementation of Calderdale Cares will continue, providing greater integration between health and care services so that local people receive the support they need in the place where they live.
And we affirmed our intent as a borough to work closely with Pennine Prospects, to make sure the distinctive landscapes of Calderdale are protected for the enjoyment of future generations with the creation of the South Pennines Park. This would stretch from Calderdale into Greater Manchester and Lancashire, reaching as far as the Dales and the Peak District.
‘We are Calderdale’ was hosted by Calderdale College and was co-designed by college students, reflecting our shared commitment to harnessing the talent of our young people. They played a key part in every element from welcoming guests, controlling the lighting and sound and closing the event with a specially commissioned Vision performance.
2018 We Are Calderdale

Many contributors to Vision2024 were invited to its official launch event in March 2018 at Calderdale College.
Partners, residents, businesses and community groups listened to talks, took part in interactive workshops and watched a package of films exploring the Vision’s themes.
The event was introduced by Calderdale Council’s Leader, Councillor Tim Swift and hosted by Chief Executive, Robin Tuddenham. Lord Victor Adebowale gave the key note address, during which he discussed what leadership means and how local people can best create change, before answering questions in a lively debate.
Speakers representing ‘heard’ and ‘unheard’ voices in Calderdale also spoke, using the Vision themes of Enterprising & Talented, Distinctiveness and Kindness & Resilience to talk about their experiences and hopes for the future
The event was a great opportunity for discussion and debate, giving people the chance to share their views on the future of Calderdale that helped define and create Vision2024.