It is the landlords/letting agents responsibility to provide working, appropriate and adequate smoke/heat detection in a rented property.
The minimum requirement is an alarm on each storey and a carbon monoxide alarm in any room with a combusted gas appliance.
- Escape routes should be accessible at all times.
- Make sure the furniture and furnishings that are supplied are fire safe.
- Provide fire alarms, sounders, blankets and extinguishers if the property is a large house in multiple occupation (HMO) (GOV.UK).
The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022 stipulate the minimum standard of detection that the property should have. This is regardless of the dwelling type, size and number of floors.
The regulations require smoke detection on each floor.
From 1st October 2022, landlords must make sure that a Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarm is fitted in any room containing a fuel burning appliance (for instance gas fires, but not including gas cookers). Previously, a CO alarm has only been needed in rooms containing solid fuel burning appliances (for example wood or coal burners).
In addition, landlords will be required to repair or replace a defective smoke or CO alarm “as soon as reasonably practicable” if they are told there is a defect. Previously, landlords have only been required to check alarms on the first day of the tenancy.
The new rules will be enforced by local authorities (councils) who can impose a fine of up to £5,000 where a landlord fails to comply with a remedial notice.
Find more information about the new rules:
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022: guidance for landlords and tenants (GOV.UK).
These regulations are minimum requirements and should be considered alongside other relevant laws on fire and carbon monoxide safety in rented homes such as:
When undertaking a fire assessment of your property you need to consider:
- House type.
- Number of storeys.
- Means of escape.
Further information
For further information, contact: