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Adult cycling course (free)

Learn to ride and refresher sessions.

Riding a bike is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. It is also a low-cost, green form of transport and it is fun!

This course is for you, if:

  • You never learned to ride a bike.
  • It has been years since you last rode one.
  • You could do with a refresher or confidence booster for riding on the roads.

About this course

Our qualified Instructors guide you through the steps to ride a bike and help build your confidence, which includes:

  • The basics of riding a bike.
  • Training on quiet roads (close to where you live if possible).
  • The chance to progress to busier road training, when confident.
  • The best way to ride with your children (if applicable).
  • Route planning for your journey/commute.
  • Basic cycle maintenance and more, depending on your needs.

What do I need?

  • A working bike.
    • Have a look at the Sustrans 11-step M-Check to make sure your bike is safe to ride.
    • There are bikes available to borrow for the course. Please let us know if you need one when you book.
  • A helmet.
  • Clothing that suites the weather.

How do I book?

For more details and to book a training session:


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