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Building Control Service charges

Here you can find all current fees and charges for Building Control services.

Fees and charges are split into four categories:

  • Table A: Standard charges for the creation of new dwellings.
  • Table B: Extensions to single dwellings (single or multi storey extensions, loft conversions, garage conversions, garages, basements and similar).
  • Table C: Alterations to a single dwelling or conversion of a building to a dwelling (internal alterations, insulation, windows and similar).
  • Table D: All other non domestic work (alterations, extensions and new builds - includes mezzanine floors).

Please note: These charges are effective from 1st January 2023.

New dwellings (Table A)

Standard charges for the creation of new dwellings:

Table A Full plan charge (£) Inspection charge (£) Building notice charge (£)
Number of units Charge VAT (20%) Total Charge VAT (20%) Total Charge VAT (20%) Total
1 180 36 216 410 82 492 590 118 708
2 330 66 396 705 141 846 1,035 217 1,242
3 470 94 564 955 191 1,146 1,425 285 1,710
4 610 122 732 1,195 239 1,434 1,805 361 2,166
5 750 150 900 1,415 283 1,698 2,165 433 2,598
6 890 178 1,068 1,615 323 1,938 2,505 501 3,006
7 1,030 206 1,236 1,795 359 2,154 2,825 565 3,390
8 1,165 233 1,398 1,955 391 2,346 3,120 624 3,744
9 1,300 260 1,560 2,105 421 2,526 3,405 681 4,086
10 1,420 284 1,704 2,255 451 2,706 3,675 735 4,410
11 1,520 304 1,824 2,405 481 2,886 3,925 785 4,710
12 1,620 324 1,944 2,555 511 3,066 4,175 835 5,010
13 1,720 344 2,064 2,705 541 3,246 4,425 885 5,310
14 1,820 364 2,184 2,855 571 3,426 4,675 935 5,610
15 1,910 382 2,292 3,005 601 3,606 4,915 983 5,898
16 1,960 392 2,352 3,155 631 3,786 5,115 1,023 6,138
17 2,010 402 2,412 3,295 659 3,954 5,305 1,061 6,366
18 2,060 412 2,472 3,435 687 4,122 5,495 1,099 6,594
19 2,110 422 2,532 3,575 715 4,290 5,685 1,137 6,822
20 2,160 432 2,592 3,715 743 4,458 5,875 1,175 7,050

Note: For 20 or more dwellings:

  • an additional fee of £170 + VAT per plot;
  • or if the floor area of a dwelling exceeds 300m² the charge is individually determined.

Extensions (Table B)

Extensions to single dwellings:

Table B Full plan charge (£) Inspection charge (£) Building notice charge (£)
  Charge VAT (20%) Total Charge VAT (20%) Total Charge VAT (20%) Total
Single Storey Extensions:
for no more than 40m². 170 34 204 300 60 360 470 94 564
from 40m² to 100m². 170 34 204 385 77 462 555 111 666
Multi Storey Extension:
no more than 40m². 170 34 204 360 72 432 530 106 636
from 40m² to 200m². 170 34 204 420 84 504 590 118 708
Other works to dwellings:
Loft conversion up to 2 rooms and no dormer. 170 34 204 240 48 288 410 82 492
Loft conversion up to 2 rooms with dormer window. 170 34 204 300 60 360 470 94 564
Conversion of garage to habitable room. 170 34 204 75 15 90 245 49 294
Erection or extension of a detached or attached non exempt Garage with a floor area not exceeding 100m². 170 34 204 75 15 90 245 49 294
Erection of a non-exempt Garden Room/Office with a floor area not exceeding 100m². 170 34 204 330 66 396 500 100 600
Extension or creation of a basement up to 100m². 170 34 204 200 40 240 370 74 444

Note: Electrical Installation

Additional charge of £250 + VAT = £300, where:

  • Electrical work is not to be certified as compliant with the Building Regulations;
  • by a person or body who is both competent and registered to do so.

An additional charge is for work when the relevant building work, or part thereof, has not been carried out by a person referred to in regulation 7(5) (g) or (h) of the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010 applies.

It is in addition to the inspection, building notice or regularisation charges.

Alterations (Table C)

Alterations to a single dwelling or conversion of a building to a dwelling:

Table C Full plan charge (£) Inspection charge (£) Building notice charge (£)
  Charge VAT (20%) Total Charge VAT (20%) Total Charge VAT (20%) Total
Renovation of a thermal element to single dwelling. 100 20 120 0 0 0 100 20 120
Internal alterations up to a value of:
Up to £5,000. 55 11 66 82.50 16.50 99 137.50 27.50 165
£5,001 to £10,000. 133.33 26.67 160 82.50 16.50 99 215.83 43.17 259
£10,001 to £15,000. 133.33 26.67 160 110 22 132 243.33 48.67 292
£15,001 to £20,000. 133.33 26.67 160 192.50 38.50 231 325.83 65.17 391
Window Replacement:
for 1 to 20 Windows. 55 11 66 20 4 24 75 15 90
for over 20, request a quotation.
Electrical Inspections. 250 50 300 0 0 0 250 50 300
Boiler Inspection. 250 50 300 0 0 0 250 50 300

Note: Electrical Installation

Additional charge of £250 + VAT = £300, where:

  • Electrical work is not to be certified as compliant with the Building Regulations;
  • by a person or body who is both competent and registered to do so.

An additional charge is for work when the relevant building work, or part thereof, has not been carried out by a person referred to in regulation 7(5) (g) or (h) of the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010 applies.

It is in addition to the inspection, building notice or regularisation charges.

Non-domestic work (Table D)

Table D - All other non-domestic work - alterations, extensions and new build:

Table D Plan charge (£) Inspection charge (£)
  Charge VAT (20%) Total Charge VAT (20%) Total
An extension to an existing non domestic building with a floor area not exceeding 40m². 170 34 204 360 72 432
The erection of a non domestic building with a floor area not exceeding 40m². 170 34 204 360 72 432
Other alterations, extensions and new build:
for £1 to £10,000. 133.33 26.67 160 110 22 132
for £10,001 to £15,000. 133.33 26.67 160 137.50 27.50 165
for £15,001 to £20,000. 133.33 26.67 160 206.25 41.25 247.50
for more than £20,000 please ask for a quote.            

Guidance notes on charges

(The Building Act 1984, The Building (Local Authority Charges), Regulations 2010.)

  1. Before carrying out building works (defined in the Building Regulations 2010):
    1. An application;
    2. and the relevant charge, must be submitted to Calderdale Building Control Services.
  2. The enclosed notes (for guidance only) are taken from the Council's scheme of charges. A copy of which is available on request.
  3. Floor areas are calculated by reference to the internal faces of walls enclosing the area.
  4. Where plans have been rejected, no further charge is payable on resubmission for substantially the same work.
  5. Works solely to provide access and/or facilities for disabled people to existing dwellings and buildings to which the public have access may be exempt from charges. In this scheme 'disabled person' means a person to whom Section 29(1) of the National Assistance Act 1948 applies.
  6. Estimated cost means:
    1. A reasonable cost that would be charged by a person in business to carry out the work shown;
    2. and may be requested at the time the plans are deposited.
  7. Minimum charges for certain works. Where the total floor area of an extension to a dwelling exceeds 200m², the charge is individually determined.
  8. Calculation of charges:
    1. Full Plans applications generally consist of a Plan Charge and an Inspection Charge as detailed in the following tables.
    2. Building Notices (in circumstances where a Building Notice may be submitted) are detailed in the following tables.
    3. Regularisation applications are individually determined. Please contact Building Control Services for charge.
    4. Reversion applications are individually determined.
  9. Multiple works, your attention is drawn to charges for domestic works detailed under Table B and Table C.
  10. If you have any difficulties calculating these charges, please consult the above office.

If you feel that your development is not covered by the fees and charges described, please contact:

Calderdale Building Control Services:

As a non-profit making organisation, we keep our charges to a minimum. By law, we must make sure we recover all our costs, so there is no expense to the tax payer.

Ways to pay


Pay for Building Control services


  • We have limited availability to take calls from Monday to Friday (9.30am to 12.30pm): 01422 392291.
  • If your call is not answered, please leave a message and we will call you back. We will need to know your:
    • Full name;
    • contact phone number;
    • site address or application number.

Please note: We aim to return calls within two working days (Monday to Friday only).

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