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Play Development Service

Find play activities and contact details (for children aged 5 to 14).

We offer free, open access and inclusive play sessions. They are for children and young people aged 5 to 14 years in the communities where they live in Calderdale.

Children and young people with disabilities or special needs are very welcome. Please note: They will need to book so their specific needs can be met.

Open Access Play


We do after school inclusive play across Calderdale:

Date Venue
Monday Closed session by invite only
Tuesday Mixenden Activity Centre
Wednesday The Space at Field Lane (Rastrick)
Thursday Beech Hill school at the portacabins
Friday Inclusive session at Todmorden Leisure Centre


  • We deliver inclusive schemes in the above locations across Calderdale.

More details

  • We work on an open access basis.
    • Children and young people are supervised, but the parent or guardian is still responsible for them.
    • You are free to come and go as you please.
  • We offer a range of free play activities, chosen by children and young people.
  • These can get messy, so do please come in clothes that suit the activity and weather.

Contact us

  • For more details or help, phone: 01422 380995 (Play Development Service).
  • In case of an emergency, phone: 07799 430175 or 07966 151413 (Play Leader).

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