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SENCO toolkit

EHC plans

This allows for different services to work together. It identifies the best way to meet the needs of children or young people.

The plans detail the child or young person's story in relation to their education, health and care needs. It is a positive document that highlights their strengths and abilities. It should be read with the overview that gives guidance on sections of the plan:

Appealing an EHC plan decision

You have the chance to go to mediation before you register an appeal with the First-tier Tribunal.

Where possible, Calderdale Council and/or Health Commissioners will try and resolve issues or areas of disagreement. This will be by meeting and talking with those involved in supporting children and young people. This includes not only the parents and carers, but also the children and young people.

It is not always possible to reach a resolution without the help of a neutral third party. Mediation services are available in Calderdale via Collis Mediation. They work to make sure that each party is as comfortable as possible during the process. Also, that final agreement meets the needs of both parties.

For more about this, please email:

The Health, Education and Social Care Chamber

This is one of seven chambers of the First-tier Tribunal that settles legal disputes. It is structured around particular areas of law. It is responsible for handling appeals against local authority decisions on special educational needs.

This includes a refusal to:

  • Assess a child’s educational, health and care (EHC) needs.
  • Make a statement of their special educational needs.
  • Reassess their special educational needs.
  • Create an EHC plan.
  • Change what is in a child’s special educational needs statement or EHC plan.
  • Maintain the statement or EHC plan.

For more about this, visit: First Tier Tribunal (GOV.UK).

Moderating panel

For how the panel works, please read: 

Early Intervention Single Assessment (EISA)

This is to identify the needs of children, young people and their families. It involves:

  • listening to families to find out their needs and what is working well for them and the family unit.
  • Once the needs have been identified a plan will be agreed with them.
  • This will be put in place to address and meet their needs and those of the family.

For more about EISA, please read: