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A birth must be registered:

  1. in the district where it occurs;
  2. and within 42 days.

It must be done in person and by appointment only. Please allow at least two weeks for an appointment to be available.

Please note: Do not attend the office without an appointment, as we may not be able to see you.

Register a birth

Register by declaration

At Calderdale Register Office

You can make an appointment to do this, if:

  • you live in Calderdale;
  • and your baby was born in another registration district.

We will take the details about your baby's birth and send them on to the relevant office.

At Huddersfield or Dewsbury Register Offices

You can do this, if:

  • your baby was born in Calderdale;
  • and you live in Kirklees.

They will take your details and send them on to us.

To book an appointment, visit: Register a birth (Kirklees Council).

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