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Prevent resources

Access to training and resources.

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2015), puts a legal duty on specified authorities. This is to give due regard to the need to prevent radicalisation and extremism.

The Prevent duty guidance outlines what authorities are responsible for: Prevent duty guidance.

For guidance on any sector, visit: Counter Terrorism strategy 2010 to 2015 government policy.

How Prevent ready are you? To help measure where you are now, please use this form:

Training courses

There are professionals in Calderdale that can deliver 'Workshop To Raise Awareness Around Prevent' (WRAP3).

We have regular courses that are run by our Workforce Development team. For more details, please contact us:

Online training

Resources can be found on the Home Office website:

For a Prevent training catalogue, visit: Channel training online.

Posters and leaflets

Other resources

Health Professionals and schools

Online safety

  • Educate Against Hate Parents' Hub. Resources and Government advice for parents and carers on how to keep young people safe from extremism.
  • ACT Early. Advice and support for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation.
  • UK Safer Internet Centre. Guides for privacy settings, parental controls and Internet safety features of major Internet Service Providers.
  • Parent Zone. Digital safety advice for parents.


For more about Prevent, please email the Prevent Co-ordinator:

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