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Valuation bands, parish charges and banding appeals

Find out what charges apply based on your property's banding and location.

Valuation bands

The amount of Council Tax you must pay depends on the valuation band that your property has been allocated.

  • Each property in the same valuation band will be charged the same amount of Council Tax.
  • This is except for those areas that have Parish Council precepts (where there is an extra charge).
  • The amount taxpayer pays can also differ due to rebates, discounts and other reductions.

The Property Valuation Bands and amount of Council Tax to pay for 2024-25 are shown in this table.

Band Property Value Range Council Tax 2024-25
A Up to and including £40,000 £1,449.48
B £40,001 - £52,000 £1,691.04
C £52,001 - £68,000 £1,932.63
D £68,001 - £88,000 £2,174.21
E £88,001 - £120,000 £2,657.36
F £120,001 - £160,000 £3,140.51
G £160,001 - £320,000 £3,623.68
H Exceeding £320,000 £4,348.42

Parish charges

The annual budget for 2024-25 is shown in the table below. If you live in one of the following Parish/Town Council areas you will have to pay extra. The amount of the extra charge applicable to your band will be shown on your bill. These areas are covered by:

Parish or Town Council Budget for 2024-25 Band D Parish Precept
Blackshaw Parish Council £8,000 £21.49
Erringden Parish Council £2,097 £31.61
Hebden Royd Town Council £468,706 £141.82
Heptonstall Parish Council £22,700 £40.71
Ripponden Parish Council £58,344 £19.77
Stainland and District Parish Council £46,291 £29.72
Todmorden Parish Council £409,550 £82.79
Wadsworth Parish Council £20,315 £35.59

If you believe your property's valuation band is wrong

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) values domestic properties for Council Tax. This valuation is used to set your Council Tax Band. You might need to contact the VOA if you think your Council Tax band is wrong.

For more details, visit: Challenge your Council Tax band (GOV.UK). (You can also find the contact details for the VOA on this webpage.) If you cannot use the online service, you can contact the VOA by phone: 03000 501 501.

If you challenge your band, you must still pay Council Tax at your current band, until your appeal is decided.

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