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Discounts and exemptions

Are you responsible for paying Council Tax? You could be entitled to a discount or your home may be exempt.

A full Council Tax bill is based on at least 2 adults (age 18+) living in a property together.

Some people are not counted because of their personal circumstances.

Some dwellings are exempt because of special circumstances. These can relate to the person liable for the charge or the state of the property.


Single occupier

If you are the only adult living in a property, you may qualify for a 25% discount.

Apply for a Council Tax discount

If you live with other adults, but they are in a group we do not count, you may qualify for a discount. (See: people that are not counted)


A property that is the main residence of somebody with a disability may qualify for a discount.

The disability must be substantial and permanent.

The space must be essential to the well-being of the disabled person.

You can claim this if you have:

  • A room other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet which is used mainly by the disabled person.
  • An extra bathroom or kitchen used for meeting the needs of the disabled person.
  • Sufficient floor space to permit the use of a wheelchair

Apply for a Council Tax discount

People that are not counted

Count the number of adults who live in the home as their main address. Subtract anyone who is in any of the following categories:

  • A young person living at home
    • aged 18 or 19 and someone is entitled to Child Benefit for them
    • aged 18 or 19 and were still in education on 30 April
  • In education or training
    • a full-time student on a degree level or postgraduate course
    • an adult aged 19 or under on a course before degree level - for example A levels or GNVQ level 3
    • a student nurse
    • a young person on a government training scheme
    • an apprentice on some approved courses earning no more than £195 per week
    • a Foreign Language Assistant on the official British Council programme
  • A person who has their main residence elsewhere for the following reasons
    • a permanent hospital patient or care home resident
    • living in a hostel which provides care or treatment because of their age, physical or mental disability, past or present alcohol or drug dependence or past or present mental illness
    • staying in a hostel or night shelter
    • a prisoner or someone detained under mental health/immigration legislation or court order
    • living in a bail or probation hostel
  • People with a severe mental impairment and entitled to certain benefits
    • Someone will be disregarded for council tax if their condition is permanent - for example, they have dementia
  • Carers
    • A person employed to provide care of at least 24 hours per week, earning less than £44 gross per week and living in the same property
    • An unpaid carer living in the same property, providing at least 35 hours of care per week for an adult who is not their spouse/partner or a child they are not the parent of
  • Members of Religious Communities
    • who have no income or capital of their own and are dependent on the religious community to provide for their material needs.
If the total is less than 2, you may be eligible for a discount.

Apply for a Council Tax discount

Flooding or fire

You may be able to get a discount of 100% for up to six months.

This is for homes that cannot be lived in due to:

  • flooding (as a result of natural causes);
  • or fire.

Reasonable efforts must be made to bring it back into use as soon as possible.

To apply, email:

Please include:

  • A contact number and email address.
  • Your Council Tax reference.
  • Property address.
  • When you left the property.
  • Where you live now.
  • Cause and extent of the damage.

We will contact you to arrange an inspection.

Council Tax Reduction

Council Tax Reduction is local scheme designed to help people pay their Council Tax.

For more information, see: Council Tax Reduction.


Approved Calderdale Council foster carers that live in Calderdale are eligible for a Council Tax exemption.

For details about fostering, please see: Fostering or email:

Reasons for exemption

A dwelling may be exempt from paying Council Tax for any of the following reasons:


Class Property Reason
B Unoccupied Property owned by a charitable body.
D Unoccupied Owner(s)/Tenant(s) in a place of detention
E Unoccupied Owner(s)/Tenant(s) who is a permanent resident in a hospital, residential or nursing home.
F Unoccupied Last occupied by a person now deceased.
G Unoccupied Occupation prohibited by law or action taken by Act if Parliament.
H Unoccupied Awaiting occupation by a minister of religion from which to perform his duties.
I Unoccupied Owner(s)/Tenant(s) living elsewhere and receiving personal care due to old age, disablement, illness, alcohol or drug dependency or mental disorder.
J Unoccupied Owner(s)/Tenant(s) living elsewhere to provide personal care due to old age, disablement, illness, alcohol or drug dependency or mental disorder.
K Unoccupied Last occupied only by one or more students residing elsewhere for the purpose of their studies.
L Unoccupied Repossessed property where the mortgagee is in possession.
M N/A A hall of residence which is provided predominantly for the accommodation of students.
N N/A Property occupied entirely by students, school or college leavers who are studying on an approved course.
O N/A Armed forces barracks, messes and married quarters.
P N/A A relevant association with a visiting force.
Q Unoccupied Trustees in Bankruptcy
R Unoccupied Empty caravan pitch or boat mooring
S Occupied All occupant(s) are under 18 years of age.
T Unoccupied (ie. no ones sole or main residence) Property owned by the resident of a building within the same curtilage which is difficult to let separately, (eg. granny flats).
U Occupied All residents are classed as severely mentally impaired (for Council Tax purposes).
V N/A All residents have diplomatic privileges and immunities.
W N/A Self contained part of a property occupied by a dependant relative.

To apply

To apply, complete:

Please note: Furnished properties, not in the exemption categories above and not a main residence are subject to 100% Council Tax charges. For example, those used as second homes.

Change or cancel a discount

Tell us if you think that you are no longer be eligible for discount. For example, if a second adult has moved into your home and you are getting single occupier discount.

Cancel a discount

If something has changed, but you think you are still eligible, please start a new application. We will review and apply changes where needed.

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