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Cabinet's Final Budget Proposals for 2025/26 to 2027/28

Details of the final proposals.

A Transitional Budget

This is a budget which addresses the pressures and themes I set in our detailed proposals.

We asked for comments and suggestions on the Budget, this consultation ran from 14th January to 7th February 2025. A wide range of formats were used, which included survey, presentations, attendance at groups and forums. We reached out to all stakeholders. This included residents, partner organisations (such as the Voluntary Sector and Town/Parish Councils), the business community, young people, staff and trades unions.

  • We received over 720 responses to the survey.
  • In total, over 1400 detailed comments came through the various channels.
  • Elected Members also raised issues with us.

We are grateful for all those who have taken part in the consultation and have carefully considered the responses.

The final funding settlement received last week confirmed overall government grant to be £621k less than forecast. This has required a reduction in our contingency provisions in the short term. In order to recommend a balanced budget to Council, we present the budget with no other changes.

We want to acknowledge the feedback received during the consultation, which we will consider in developing future strategies and plans.

We also want to make a promise, as Corporate Parents, to the support we offer to our Care Leavers and have decided to include a commitment to expand the Financial Support to Care Leavers Policy in the new financial year in the form of an allowance for Council Tax. This will be funded through an uplift in the Children and Families grant allocation.

My colleagues on Cabinet and I would like to thank everyone who took the time to contribute to the consultation. Your feedback was greatly appreciated. You can read about the recommended budget, along with the detail behind the proposals below. Final decisions on the budget will be taken at the Annual Budget Council meeting on Monday the 24th February 2025.

Councillor Jane Scullion

Leader, Calderdale Council.

The final proposals

Equality impact considerations

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