- Health Visitor contact to talk about your journey so far.
- They also help you to prepare for your baby being introduced to solid food from six months.
- Vaccinations are offered to your baby at 16 weeks.
Child development
All children develop at their own pace as they learn about themselves, their family and their world.
For information on how your child will grow in their first four months and up to being aged two years:
- Visit: Your baby's development milestones (UNICEF).
At four months old your baby may:
- Recognise objects and people they are familiar with from a distance.
- Respond to love and affection.
- Trace moving objects with their eyes (follow them side to side).
- Let you know if they are happy or sad.
- Reach for toys with one hand.
- Push up to their elbows when lying on their stomach.
- Hold their head up without support.
For a parent's guide from birth to five years, with a wealth of information for families, visit: Healthy Early Years .
In the next few weeks your baby will start to be able to co-ordinate both hands. They will bring things to their mouth because senses in their mouth gives a good source of information about objects. You need to keep small objects away from your child.
Parental support to child
- Share your baby's interest by looking and pointing.
- Take every chance to smile at your baby and speak to them in a kind voice.
- When your baby cries, respond as soon as possible. Note the meaning of each cry-signal, where you can.
- Repeat sounds your baby makes back to them.
- Help them develop their hand-eye coordination. Leave toys such as rattles nearby, so they can reach for and shake them.
- Speak to your baby during your everyday routines and talk to them about what you notice.
- Encourage your baby to roll over by putting them on a firm, safe surface. Soft surfaces will be difficult at this stage. Always stay with your baby.
- Give them safe objects of various textures to explore. Babies at this stage bring most things to their mouths. Make sure they cannot swallow the objects that you give them.
Advice and support
For general health and learning, see: Advice and support. (New born to 5 years old).
Any other key information and useful websites
Things to think about
If you think you need urgent help (day or night), before you go to any other health service, phone: 111.
- You will be directed straight away to the local service that can help you best.
- It is available anytime, everyday and is free to call from a mobile or landline.
You should phone: 111:
- When you need help fast, but it is not life threatening.
- When you think you need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service.
- When it is outside of your GP's surgery hours.
- When you do not know who to call for medical help.
- If you do not have a local GP to call.
Important note: For serious and life-threatening emergencies, phone: 999.