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Active Calderdale Bike Library

Find out how to borrow or donate a bike.

The bike library is moving and will reopen soon.

Welcome to this project, which is supported by Yorkshire Bank. It offers donated bikes to loan to children and families in the community.

This helps to achieve our vision for Calderdale being the most Active Borough in the North of England by 2021.

With West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, we opened in 2017.

To see the opening by the mayor, watch this YouTube video: Bike Library launch at Halifax Fire Station.

Borrow a bike

Any Calderdale resident can loan a bike for free for one month, after signing up to a loan agreement. We also offer:

  • Advice on bike maintenance;
  • training courses;
  • cycle routes;
  • and you will get a loan pack with your bike.

We will ask you to record the number of miles that you do during the month.

Donate a bike

Do you have a bike that you want to donate?

We accept all bikes, which we will repair and recycle to find a new home in the community. With so many benefits of donating a bike, we will be giving children and adults the chance to:

  • Learn how to ride;
  • get involved with cycling activities;
  • improve fitness and well-being;
  • and helping Calderdale become the most active Borough in the North.


To book or donate a bike, please email:

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