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English National Concessionary Pass

Find out about the English National Concessionary Pass that gives free off-peak travel in England.

Example pass for a person with a disability

Do you have an English National Concessionary Pass (ENCP)?

If you do, you can get the same discounts as Passport to Leisure card holders (PTL). This is for many of the venues listed on: Where you can use the PTL card.

It can be used at all our Council run venues.

Note: You will need to check and see if non-Council venues accept it.

What is an ENCP?

It is a pass that gives you free off-peak bus travel in England.

For more about this, please visit: Free bus passes for older and disabled people protected for the future (GOV.UK).

Example pass for an old aged pensioner

Who can get one?

How do I get one?

To apply:

  • In-person: At any Post Office or Bus Station Travel Centre in West Yorkshire.
  • Online: Visit: Senior pass (WY Metro).

Other local contact details

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