It may be possible, in a limited range of circumstances, to mark the highway with an advisory disabled parking bay. An advisory disabled parking bay can considered to help residents who have serious health problems affecting their mobility. This will enable a resident to park their vehicle as close to their property as possible.
Disabled markings provided under this scheme are advisory only and have no legal standing. Disabled bays are located outside of or as near as is reasonably practicable to a disabled person's home. They are marked in white. Although able-bodied drivers are encouraged not to park within a disabled parking bay, anyone can use them. Whilst a bay would clearly be intended for one individual, it is also open to other disabled drivers to use. Calderdale Council is therefore unable to provide any form of enforcement to secure the use of an advisory bay.
The scheme we administer is just residential. It is designed to allow Blue Badge holders the ability to park as close to their home as possible. We do not provide disabled bays on the public highway to meet the needs of individual organisations. This includes any requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 or the Equality Act 2010.
The parking bay is advisory. The success of the marking relies on the support of neighbours keeping the space clear for the applicant. On receipt of an application, we will contact all close-by properties to explain the use of the bay marking. Also, to find out if they object to its installation.
There is no right of appeal against the decision not to install the bay on the basis of objections received. (Without the support of neighbours there would be no improvement in parking to the applicant.)
To apply for an assessment you must make sure you meet the criteria below.
To qualify
There is strict criteria to be met before a bay can be authorised. Before you apply, please consider:
- The property must be your main place of residence.
- There must be no existing off street parking facilities at the property or the potential to create such facilities.
- There must be a vehicle in ownership at the property and proof of this will be required. In most cases it will be the applicant who owns and drives the vehicle. However, If a carer (who must reside at the property) transports the applicant, this may meet the requirements.
- Applicants must hold a valid Blue Badge issued by Calderdale Council.
- There cannot already be an advisory disabled bay outside the property.
- Most disabled bays are located directly fronting the applicant's property to indicate which resident the bay is intended for. They are not normally positioned outside flats.
- Regular and frequent use of the vehicle for the use of the applicant must be demonstrated. We will ask for evidence of this.
- There should be considerable demand upon on-street parking and this should be evidenced by the applicant.
- You must have the support of the majority of your neighbours.
Not all roads are suitable for disabled bays to be installed. The road must be wide enough to accommodate the bay without impeding traffic flow. The proposed location must not create any road safety problems.
They will not be installed:
- where an existing waiting restriction or prohibition is in force;
- on classified "A" roads;
- or, on roads that are not listed as adopted by Calderdale Council.
They may also not be suitable where traffic calming measures are in place.
Apply online: