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Qualifying criteria

You automatically qualify if you are aged three or over and at least one of the following applies:

  • You receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) because you cannot walk more than 50 metres. (A score of eight points or more under the 'moving around' activity of the mobility component).
  • You receive the mobility component of PIP and have got 10 points for descriptor E. This is under the 'planning and following journeys' activity. This must be because you are unable to undertake any journey because it would cause you overwhelming psychological distress.
  • You receive Disability Living Allowance Mobility Component (Higher Rate).
  • You are Registered Blind (Severely Sight Impaired).
  • You receive War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement.
  • You have received a lump sum benefit within tariff levels 1 to 8 of the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme. You are also certified as having a permanent and substantial disability causing inability or very considerable difficulty in walking.
  • You have a Terminal Illness and have a SR1 form.

Note: Documentary evidence is required.

You may also qualify if one of the following apply:

  • Enduring and substantial disability where you cannot walk or have considerable difficulty walking from a vehicle to your destination.
  • Enduring and substantial disability which causes any of the following when walking from your vehicle to your destination (hidden disability):
    • experience very considerable psychological distress;
    • or be at risk of serious harm;
    • or pose a risk of serious harm to other people.
  • Often drives a vehicle and has a severe disability in both arms. Is not able to operate on-street parking equipment or find s it to be very difficult.
  • Child under three who must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment.
  • Child under three who need to be kept near a vehicle at all times. This is so treatment can be given in the vehicle or they can be driven somewhere for treatment, such as hospital.

An assessment by our Mobility Assessor may be needed, if you do not qualify automatically.


Those that care for and transport a large number of disabled people, may be eligible for a Blue Badge.

Note: This is only if the service users meet the Blue Badge criteria.