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Children with medical needs

Here you can find out about the Medical Needs team. They will support you and your child while they are not able to go to school because of illness.

Council's have a statutory duty to provide suitable education provision for children and young people.

This is for those who do not or cannot attend full-time normally, due to long-term medical needs and such.

The Medical Needs team are a group of experienced teachers. They work with schools and parents/carers of a child or young person. The aim is to give a balanced curriculum with the main focus on English, Maths and Science. All curricular planning and resources are provided by the school.

What support is provided?

We will give regular support and teaching that meets the child/young person's needs, which can be:

  • Up to 5 hours per week online at home via Teams.
  • or on the Calderdale Royal Children's ward online via Teams.

The teaching offered can be a mixture of one-to-one, small group and virtual remote support using online platforms.

How do I access the service?

Your child/young person's school will complete a referral form. This form has to be signed by you to confirm consent of the referral.

A referral due to long-term medical needs requires medical evidence from their medical consultant or specialist(s). This must come with the form. Sourcing the medical evidence is the responsibility of the parents/carers.

The referral form and all supporting medical evidence should be returned to the: Medical Needs team.

For more about this, please read: 

What happens next?

A meeting will be arranged with the school, you and your child or young person. Where possible, this will be within five working days of receipt of the referral form and all supporting medical evidence.

The initial meetings are a chance to get to know you and your child or young person. Times for the teaching sessions will be made and you can discuss concerns or issues that you may have.

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Contact the Medical Needs Team

Web chat: Our advisers are available to help, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm. Chat now

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