Primary schools for 2023-24
Places will be given with this priority:
- Pupils who are in public care (children 'looked after') or pupils who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they became adopted or became subject to a child arrangements or special guardianship order immediately after being looked after.
- Pupils who were previously in state care outside of England and have ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
- Pupils who have a brother or sister (including step/half brothers and sisters) permanently resident in the same household and currently attending the school or its associated junior school (excluding pupils in their final year).
- Other children.
- A sibling link cannot be claimed where a sibling in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan (or a Statement of Special Educational Needs) is attending a resourced unit within a mainstream primary school.
- If there is oversubscription in any category then pupils will be admitted in order of proximity of the pupil's permanent home to the school.
- Distance will be calculated using a straight line measurement from the pupil's permanent home to the nearest designated school gate.
- Distances will be calculated using the Local Authority's Geographical Information System (GIS). To ensure consistency applies, all measurements will be carried out by this method and no other method of measuring distance will be considered.
- Each property has a coordinate taken from Ordnance Survey Address-Point data. This is the point from which distance measurements will be taken.
- In the event of two or more children living equidistant from the school, as measured by the procedure above, then the decision on which child will be allocated will be made using random allocation.
- In voluntary controlled schools no account is taken of church membership or affiliation.