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Find out about responsible dog ownership and who to contact if you have a problem with dog fouling.

Responsible dog ownership

It is an offence to allow a dog in a public place without it wearing a collar and tag.

The tag should have the owner's name and address on it. The contact details must be kept up to date.

If you do not have a tag on your dog, you can be fined up to £5,000.

In April 2016, it became law that all dogs must be tagged. For more details, visit: The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015.

We encourage dog owners to have their dog(s) 'chipped', to help reunite lost dogs with their owners.

Dog fouling

The Fouling of Land by Dogs (Calderdale) Order 2012, states that it is an offence for:

"a person, in charge of a dog, not to clean up right away after the dog has fouled".

For more about this, please see: Dog fouling.

To report dog fouling, complete the online form: 

Report dog fouling

Dog Control Orders

These aim to control of dogs in open spaces like parks, recreation grounds and roads. They also contain measures in relation to dog fouling.

For more details, please see: Dog Control Orders.

Calderdale Council maintains its duty to seize and detain stray dogs. Authorised Officers also enforce against irresponsible dog ownership through use of the Council's Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO). We also work with West Yorkshire Police with regard to dangerous or aggressive dogs.

Please note: We do not have a duty to investigate incidents where people or animals are attacked by dogs.

If you are attacked or injured by a dog, contact West Yorkshire Police - Calderdale.

If you see a dog straying or breaching any of our PSPOs, please contact us.

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