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Todmorden open market

On the border of Yorkshire and Lancashire, it complements the nearby market hall and is open five days a week.

This market was opened in 1802. With over 72 stalls available, it offers general retail on most of the days it is open. On Thursday there is a special second hand and craft market.

You can find Todmorden Open Market next door to Todmorden Market Hall, a public car park and the bus station.


We are working with Todmorden Town Deal to develop the heart of the town centre. The outdoor market stalls will be replaced with more modern, retractable stalls, enabling the space to be used more flexibly. The project will develop the space to support Todmorden’s successful programme of festivals and to host speciality markets.

To find out more, visit:


Next to Todmorden Market Hall, a public car park and the bus station.

  • Address: Brook Street, Todmorden. OL14 5AJ.

For details of nearby parking, please see: Todmorden parking.

Opening times

Day Hours Trading
Monday: Closed N/A
Tuesday: Closed N/A
Wednesday: 9am to 4pm General
Thursday: 9am to 4pm Second hand and craft
Friday: 9am to 4pm General
Saturday: 9am to 4pm General
Sunday: 9am to 4pm General

Please note: Closed on Bank Holidays.


  • Public toilets.
  • Disabled toilet.
  • Nappy changing.


Trading details

  • Number of stalls: 70.
  • Current charges: Stalls are £11 (Wednesday/Friday), £15 - £15.50 (Thursday) and £14.50 - £15 (Saturday/Sunday).

Would you like to sell goods on one of our open markets? To find out how, please see: Trading on an open market.

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