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Nuisance gardens

A nuisance garden is a garden that has waste or bulky items in it or rubbish that could cause a nuisance.

The Council does not permit residents to store waste or bulk items within the boundary of a property. This is to preserve a positive street scene and appearance of the borough.

We are responsible for making sure that gardens and land adjoined to a house are maintained. This must be to a standard that is not:

  • A hazard to the environment;
  • and/or a nuisance in the area.

If you see a garden that is causing a nuisance, please report it to us:

Report a nuisance garden

Who is responsible

If the property is:

  • Owned by Together Housing, please phone: 0300 555 5557.
  • Privately rented and you know who the landlord is, please let them know. If this is not possible, contact us and give us the details.

What a nuisance garden is

A garden that has waste or bulky items in it or rubbish that could cause a nuisance. This can be:

  • Piles of dumped waste.
  • Rotting food.
  • Dumped furniture.
  • Mattresses.
  • Overflowing bins.
  • Abandoned building materials.

It also includes anything from the garden that has also spilled over onto the pavement or street.

We do not class as a nuisance or hazardous:

  • Items waiting for collection.
  • Material that are being used on work that is in progress.

Note: For trees and greenery that overhangs the pavement or street (public highway), please see: Verges and trees.

What will happen

Once we get a report about a nuisance garden:

  • We will write to the occupier bringing the matter to their attention asking that they remove the waste.
  • After seven days we will visit the site to check for any improvement.
  • If no action is taken by the owner or occupier, we may issue a formal notice to remove it.
  • Failure to comply with a formal notice is an offence, that could result in a fine. Also, we may arrange for the clearance and charge this back to owner or tenant.

Report a nuisance garden

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