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Todmorden Town Deal Board

Find out what this Board does and who they are.

The Council established Town Development Boards to help regenerate Calderdale's town centres. These bring together Councillors, local business and the voluntary/community sectors. They take a strategic view of the needs and opportunities of the local area.

In September 2019, the Government invited 100 places to develop proposals for a Town Deal. This is part of the Government's £3.6 billion Towns Fund for levelling up the UK economy. Towns across England were invited to bid for funds to work with the Government. This addresses growth constraints and makes sure there is a course of recovery from the impact of COVID-19.

The fund aims to drive the sustainable economic regeneration of towns to deliver long-term economic and productivity growth. Todmorden was invited to develop and submit proposals, for up to £25m of investment.

In July 2020, the Todmorden Town Deal Board was formed. This replaced the Town Development Board that was set up in 2013.

  • The Board worked throughout 2020 to bring forward a bid for the Towns Fund.
  • In January 2021, the Todmorden Town Investment Plan was submitted.

The Todmorden Town Investment Plan sets out a locally owned vision for the town. It provides both investment priorities and project proposals. These aim to drive long-term growth through:

  • Investment in connectivity.
  • Land use.
  • Economic assets (includes cultural assets).
  • Skills.
  • Enterprise infrastructure.

The programme

January 2022 marked a pivotal moment when the formal Grant Offer letter was received. This stated we would get £17.5m from the fund. Eight business cases were submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities (DLUHC). In February 2023, the final business cases were approved.

The projects

Active Todmorden

Infrastructure investment, so more people of all ages and abilities can walk or cycle for work and leisure.

Centre Vale Park and Fielden Hall

Refurbish much-loved assets in our park. Invest in Fielden Hall as an example to convert and update our built heritage.

Enterprise Centre

Create small business units and affordable housing to our town centre.

Hippodrome Theatre

Refurbish the town's Edwardian Theatre.

Public Places in the Heart of Todmorden

Public realm improvements at the heart of the town.

Riverside Outdoor Activity, Recreation and Sports Park

Extends the quantity and quality of sports and leisure pursuits for all ages and abilities.

Todmorden Community Learning Hub

Restore the sports hall and gymnasium to allow functions, concerts and conferences. Invest in the college to allow for new training opportunities in sustainable living, climate change and agroecology.

Town Hall

Reinvent the 1875 built Grade I listed building. To create an open and welcoming heritage asset open to the community. Also, and provide new meeting and event space.

Meeting dates

The Board usually meets every two months.

Meetings for 2024

  • 3rd December.

The Board

  • Pam Warhurst (Private Sector - Chair).
  • Tony Lawson (Private Sector - Vice Chair).
  • Councillor Silvia Dacre (CMBC Member).
  • Councillor Helen Brundell (CMBC Member).
  • Councillor Denis Skelton (Todmorden Town Council).
  • Mary Carrigan (Todmorden Town Council)
  • Amna Nisah (Community and Voluntary Sector).
  • Gareth Marshall (Private Sector).
  • Keith Brealey (Private Sector).
  • Rupert Corbett (Private Sector).
  • Esther Ferry Kerrington (Voluntary Sector).
  • Kerry Wheelwright Lee (Voluntary Sector).

Representative from West Yorkshire Combined Authority (advisory role).

  • Councillor Sarah Courtney (CMBC Cabinet Member).
  • Council Officers.

Who to contact

For more details about the Todmorden Town Deal to discuss agenda items, please email:

If you would like to be involved

The Board seeks:

  • New members for the Board who can add value to the programme. This will be via their ability and knowledge of the area, its communities and business. 

  • Volunteers with experience of youth engagement to join our Youth Panel.
  • Volunteers to join our Sustainability Panel to support our work to tackle the climate crisis.

If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact Rob Shipway:

Please note: Applications must be submitted by 9th June. Interviews will be the week starting 12th June 2023.

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