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Advocacy for care and support

Advocacy is helpful for people who find it hard to make decisions about the care and support they need, who feel they are not being actively involved in a decision or who have real difficulty in understanding what is happening.

An advocate is a person who works with you to make sure your ideas and wishes are heard and that you get the right care and support for you.

Advocacy is useful for:

  • children and young adults;
  • an adult whose care and support needs are being assessed or reviewed;
  • a carer whose needs are being assessed;
  • people who are being assessed during a safeguarding enquiry.

How advocacy can help

Advocates are independent from the council, the NHS, your doctor and other healthcare services.

They will get to know you, so they can support and represent you when decisions are made about your care.

They will make sure that your well-being and interests are always carefully considered.

They will help you to:

  • understand the care and support process;
  • talk about your wishes, views and feelings;
  • make decisions;
  • challenge council decisions about your care and support if you don’t agree with them;
  • understand your rights;
  • support you in the safeguarding process, if necessary.

If your advocate is provided by the Council, we must also talk to your family or friends. This is to help arrange the right support and care for you.

How to get help

Calderdale Council will always make sure you are involved in the decisions made about your care and support.

If you (or someone you care for) finds it hard to:

  • understand and remember important information;
  • use that information in daily life;
  • or express views, wishes or feelings.

We can offer you an advocate to help you get the support and care you want and need.

If you want any more details, please contact: Gateway to Care, telephone: 01422 393000.