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The journey through adult social care

Do you wondered what the journey through adult social care is like? There are three steps to asking for and getting care and support. These are:

Step 1. Contact us

To find out if you can get support, you or somebody you know will need to ask for an assessment. Please contact:

Step 2. Assessing your needs

An assessment is a discussion between you (or the person you look after if you are a carer) and a trained person either from Calderdale Council or another organisation that the Council works with.

You will talk about your care and support needs and the goals you want to achieve to maintain your wellbeing. If you do not have needs that are eligible, we will give you information and advice about what help is available locally.

Step 3. Creating a support plan

If your assessment identifies your needs as eligible, we will work with you to create a support plan. Together, we will look at the kinds of activities and other support that may be already available to you and what changes could be made to help you live more independently. Here are some examples of what you can expect from a support plan:

  • Special equipment in your home.
  • Meals delivered directly to your door.
  • Activities, clubs and social groups.