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Adults with Autism

Different terms used to describe this are:

  • Autism.
  • Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
  • Asperger's Syndrome.

The current popular term is Autism and Autistic Adults so that is what we use here.

Autism affects a wide range of people.

About half of adults with Autism have a learning disability and Learning Disability Services may be able to support them.

Some Autistic adults also have severe and enduring mental health needs. For these people, Mental health services may best meet their needs.

Other Autistic adults can access the services detailed below. For more about this, please visit: Autism.

Autism Act and National Autism Strategies

The Autism Act 2009 led to the first national strategy for adults with autism: Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives 2010. Government consulted with adults (with autism), parents, carers and professionals on how well the 2010 strategy had been brought in.

As a result of this, they published a new strategy: Think Autism in 2014.

There is guidance for local councils and health bodies: Adult autism strategy: statutory guidance (GOV.UK).

A new strategy has now been published: National strategy for autistic children, young people and adults 2021 to 2026 (GOV.UK)

Calderdale Autism Strategy

A local autism strategy was first published in 2012 and then in 2016.

A joint children and adults All Age Autism Strategy is being made, but is on hold due to COVID.

Calderdale Autism Strategy Group

The Autism Act requires each local area to have an Autism Partnership Board or Strategy Group. This is to oversee local and national Autism Strategies and statutory guidance. It is made up of:

  • Adults with autism.
  • Parent/carers.
  • Staff from statutory agencies, voluntary groups and providers.

Diagnostic Assessment

If you feel you need an assessment for Autism, you can speak to your GP. For more useful help, please visit: - Adults.

Autism Social Care Pathway

Have you been diagnosed with Autism? If you need support with aspects of daily living you can request an assessment from Adult Social Care.

For more about this, please see: Care Act 2014: Guide to Adult Social Care.

Peer Support

The Society 4 Neurodiversity is a national organisation. Their members have conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Tourette's.

  • Friends, family and allies can also become members.
  • Members can access their services, support and networks.
  • For more details, please visit website.

Calderdale NAS

This is the local branch of the National Autistic Society which is run by volunteers. It provides support for autistic people and their families through training and social events.