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Young people who offend

Calderdale Youth Offending Team is responsible for dealing with young people under the age of 18 who have been in trouble with the law or are at risk of offending.

Our Youth Justice Service (YJS) is a multi-agency partnership. It aims to prevent offending by working with young people, parents, victims of crime, communities and engaging volunteers.

It is a one-stop shop for all young offenders. The team has trained professionals with specific disciplines that work together in one office. These include:

  • Social workers;
  • Probation officers;
  • Police officers;
  • Education and Health workers;
  • Housing workers;
  • and drug misuse professionals.

We must make an annual Youth Justice Plan. This describes the nature and scale of offending by young people in their area. It also explains what we do to tackle it.

A number of agencies contribute to the overall budget of the YJS.

For more about this, please contact:

  • Calderdale Youth Justice Service

    C/O The Town Hall

    Crossley Street,


    HX1 1UJ.
  • Telephone: 01422 368279
  • Email: 

The YJS Health Service

Locala provides these healthcare service. It works with those aged 8 to 18 who are at risk, or involved in the Criminal Justice System. They work closely with the YJS and other partners.

It is a flexible and responsive service that follows local safeguarding procedures. It:

  • Assists young people to get help in ways that are right for their needs.
  • Finds the health needs of young people. Doing initial and full individual health assessments, in line with national requirements.
  • Has private drop-in services, appointments and specific group/individual health work with YJS children, young people and their families.
  • Offers support and advice on:
    • Mental health and well-being.
    • Drug and alcohol use.
    • Stopping smoking.
    • Sexual health.
    • Strategies to improve young people's weight and physical fitness.

Become a volunteer

The Youth Justice Service (YJS) can offer you the chance to do a wide range of volunteering:

Referral Order Panel Members:

  • Co-ordinate a meeting ordered by the Youth Court. The young person is subject to a Court Order and has to attend the panel.
  • Bring together members of the local community, victims, young people and their parents/carers.
  • Discuss and agree a plan of action to help put right the harm caused.

As a volunteer you will get:

  • Full training.
  • Support and supervision.
  • Travel costs.
  • 'Out of pocket' expenses.

You must be:

  • Over 18 years of age.
  • Able to relate well to young people.
  • Reliable and able to commit to 2 - 3 hours per week.
  • Free from criminal convictions, which precludes contact with young people. (Not all convictions preclude, offences will be assessed in accordance with the role.)

As a volunteer you will be given:

  • An interesting role.
  • The chance to help young people in trouble.
  • The chance to learn about aspects of law.
  • An insight of the work the YOT does.

If you would like more details or to apply, please contact:

  • Calderdale Youth Justice Service

    C/O The Town Hall

    Crossley Street,


    HX1 1UJ.
  • Telephone: 01422 368279
  • Email:

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