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When you and the tenant agree on the rent, it cannot be increased during the fixed term. Unless it is stated in the agreement that it can be.

A rent book must be provided if you are collecting the rent weekly. This can be bought from shops, like WH Smith. It is advisable to give a receipt for any monies you get from your tenant.

Local Housing Allowance (LHA) and Council Tax Benefit

This is based on:

  • size of the household;
  • bedroom requirements;
  • and the area in which a person lives.

Entitlement is based on a person's income, savings and proof of a valid tenancy.

LHA is normally paid to the tenant to forward on to the landlord. In certain circumstances, it is possible for the rent to be paid directly to the landlord.

For more about this, contact the Revenues and Benefits Service, phone: 01422 288003.