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Adult learning

We offer a wide range of learning activities and courses - with more subject choice than ever before.

Course search

The range of courses on offer is our best ever and we will be adding to them throughout the year.

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Engage courses

Free, short courses with big opportunities to help you change your life.
Our Engage courses are taking place in community venues across Calderdale from October 2024.

Find out more

About Adult Learning

Welcome to Calderdale Adult Learning (CAL). Our ambition is for everyone in Calderdale to be on their journey towards living a larger life.

Term dates

Find out the term dates for Calderdale Adult Learning 2024/25.

How to enrol

Enrolment is easy using our online Learner Hub. You can also enrol in person if you need more support.

Heath Campus

Find contact and location details of the main Calderdale Adult Learning (CAL) learning venue.

Learning delivery

Find out how blended learning combines online learning materials and collaborative work with face-to-face classroom teaching and learning.