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Definitive map and statement

The definitive map and statement form the legal record of all the public Rights of Way (RoW) in Calderdale.

These form the legal record of all the public rights of way (RoW) in Calderdale, that we know about. Each one is classified as a footpathbridlewaybyway open to all traffic or restricted byway. For each path, the route is indicated by a line on the map and the notation used shows its classification.

The statement also describes the path's route and type, with some other details. By law, the map and statement prove the existence of every path they show. So, you know you are entitled to use any of them.

Where to view the definitive map and statement

Public rights of way are shown on our online map, please see: Leisure and culture map. (Select 'rights of way' on the legend at the left side.)

  • This is useful for planning trips or to quickly check the status of a route.
  • Please note: This should not be relied upon for legal purposes.

At Central Library (Halifax).

For extracts and queries, please contact us.


  • Footpath: A RoW for the public on foot only.
  • Bridleway: A RoW for the public on foot, riding or leading a horse or on a bicycle.
  • Restricted byway: A RoW for the public on foot, riding or leading a horse. Also, any vehicle that is not motorised, like a bicycle or horse-drawn vehicle.
  • Byway open to all traffic: A public RoW for all users, but one that is mostly used like a bridleway.

On any of these public rights of way, there can also be a private right of way. For example, for landowners to drive to their properties.

Correcting the definitive map and statement

In the past, some paths may have been:

  • On the wrong route.
  • Classified wrong.
  • Added by mistake.
  • Missed altogether.

If you think the map or statement are wrong, there is a legal process for changing them. This keeps path users and landowners informed of the reasons for the change and to comment on it.

Comments should be based on evidence about what RoW actually exist. This can:

  • Historical records documenting the creation of a path;
  • or showing how a path has been treated in official records in the past.

The evidence can also be witnesses who have used a path for a period of time, usually twenty years. Also, this should be in such a way that the landowner must have meant to dedicate it for public use.

For more on the type of evidence that may be considered, visit: Definitive map orders: consistency guidelines (GOV.UK).

Natural England have provided information about the process of changing the definitive map in the following file:

To apply for an order to amend the definitive map and statement, contact us (Highways). Is your evidence from witnesses who have used the path for a period of time? If so, you will also need to give each of them a user evidence form to fill in.

The definitive map procedures are complex and often need to be explained. We can offer informal help and guidance on the legal processes. Also, on how evidence, both for and against an application, can be presented.

Our main role is deciding (without bias) if the map and statement are correct or need to be changed. We must make decisions based on:

  • Evidence about the history or past use of routes.
  • Not on whether the propose changes are perceived as a good or desirable thing.

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