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Rights of way improvements

Find details of Calderdale's rights of way improvement plan and our links to national trails.

If you need to report an issue with a right of way, please contact us.

Calderdale's network of paths and bridleways includes sections of two national trails:

  • The Pennine Way for walkers.
  • The Pennine Bridleway for walkers, horse riders and cyclists, which runs from the Peak District to Byrness in Northumberland. The Calderdale section joins that running through Lancashire to form a 47-mile circular route. This is known as the 'Mary Towneley Loop'.

Circular routes for walkers can be found on:

  • Calderdale Way.
  • Todmorden Centenary Way.
  • Brighouse Boundary Walk.
  • Shorter walks based around some of Calderdale's villages.

Information on all these walks can be found in our tourist information office.

Our plan

In 2007, we published our Rights Of Way Improvement Plan. This was made in response to the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

  • It is to improve the public rights of way network in Calderdale.
  • It takes into account the public's need for access by foot, bicycle and horse, within towns, villages and the countryside.

At the moment, we are updating the plan and when ready, it will be posted here.

If you want a copy of the current plan, email: highways& Please add 'For the attention of the Rights of Way Team'. (Note: This PDF will not fully meet accessibility standards.)

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