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Elland Future High Street Fund Statutory Consultation

Alterations to the road layouts and waiting restrictions in Elland town centre.


Update - 12th September 2024

Following the meeting of the TRO Governing Body on 19 June 2024, part of the proposed Order has now been made. See: TRO Governing Body Meeting Minutes 19th June 2024.

Further details can be found in the supporting documents. The remaining parts are being considered.


As part of the Future High Streets Funding (FHSF) provided by the government, it is proposed to carry out alterations to the road layouts and waiting restrictions in Elland town centre. The FHSF scheme is part of the long-term plan for the town centre (see Calderdale, The next Chapter).

The town centre has been dominated by vehicles and has a poor public perception of road safety. The proposals under the FHSF aim to reconfigure the road layouts, reduce road widths and introduce new and widened footways. These measures aim to create more welcoming gateways that are accessible, improve circulation within the town centre, improve the public perception of road safety and encourage more visitors to the town.

The proposals will enable the pedestrianisation of the core of Southgate making it feel safer and look more attractive and so encourage new and increased footfall to the local community. Whilst it is acknowledged that some on-street parking will be removed, access to Timber Street car park will be significantly improved making it much more convenient for use.

It is proposed to carry out these works:


The primary proposal is to close Southgate to traffic, providing a safer and more attractive shopping area. The road will only be open for access (access will be prevented by remotely controlled bollards, operated via intercom) and for loading between 8 - 10am & 4 - 6pm. Signed loading areas will be provided along Southgate, all other parking/waiting beyond these exemptions will be restricted.

It is planned that the current closure at the western end of Timber Street will be removed allowing more convenient access to Timber Street car park. The extreme western end of Timber Street will be one way (west to east) to prevent traffic flowing towards Southgate.

It is also proposed to close the junction of Crown Street/Southgate to prevent access to and from Southgate.

Further details are shown in the supporting documents below.

Coronation Street

It is proposed to close access for motor vehicles between Coronation Street and Southgate. No waiting and loading restrictions are proposed to keep the turning head free of parked cars. Further loading facilities are provided outside the Cinema and free on-street parking for visitors is retained, in addition to other off street parking opportunities.

Currently, a combined permit holder and limited waiting restriction is in place outside the residential properties of 16-34 Coronation Street. The limited waiting aspect has, on occasion, prevented residents from accessing their driveways. To prevent any confusion, it is proposed to remove the limited waiting element from this stretch, leaving it as resident parking only.

The remaining restrictions on Coronation Street (including those in front of 8-12, 1-15, the side of The Heist and the Library) and those on Boxhall Road will remain and permit holders will still be able to park there. In order to increase turnover of spaces, the return period for the limited waiting will increase to 2 hours. (Note: This does not affect the resident parking.)

It is proposed to add resident parking to the parking bay outside of the Library, sharing it with the current limited waiting (like the rest of the street).

We would note that the length of road adjacent to the telephone exchange will remain as available for parking between the hours of 6pm and 8am.

Further details are shown in the supporting documents below.

Elizabeth Street

It is proposed to create a pedestrianised area to provide a space that is more attractive for pedestrians. The road will only be open for access to adjacent private land and for loading between 8 - 10am & 4 - 6pm.

Permitted traffic will be restricted to one way (east to west) to provide a safer area.

Further details are shown in the supporting documents below.

Town Hall Street

It is proposed to provide a shared loading/taxi bay, as indicated on the supporting plan.

Huddersfield Road, town centre

To partially compensate for the loss of on-street parking on Elizabeth Street it is proposed to provide an adjacent length of limited waiting adjacent on Huddersfield Road. To maximise the number of spaces available it is also proposed to relocate the bus stop on Huddersfield Road, a little closer to Timber Street.

The existing parking in front of 1-6 Huddersfield Road is retained, but the return period is increased to 2 hours to be consistent with other similar parking in Elland.

Further details are shown in the supporting documents below.

Church Street

To partially compensate for the loss of short-term parking on the northern end of Southgate it is proposed to provide some additional limited waiting parking on Church Street.

Further details are shown in the supporting documents below.


It is proposed to close the eastern end of Westgate to through motor vehicle traffic at the point shown on the supporting plan (between Boxhall Road and Southgate). The road and footways are both very narrow and is not a suitable route through. There are better alternative routes around the area. A new loading bay is also proposed for local business use.

Further details are shown in the supporting documents below.


Due to the redevelopment of the town centre and in particular the proposed closure of Westgate, Northgate (and Church Street) will become an access and egress route to the shops and businesses towards the north end of Southgate/Westgate. As a result, it is proposed to extend the existing ‘no waiting at any times restrictions’ through the narrow part of Northgate, this will assist in the free flow of traffic on this route.

It is also proposed to provide a further loading area on Northgate for nearby businesses. This will rationalise the loading activities that take place currently on an informal basis.

Additional proposals

Requests from residents/highway users for TRO changes around Elland have been incorporated with the above proposals as included below:

Dewsbury Road

After complaints of inappropriate parking on a narrow section of the road, waiting restrictions are proposed as indicated on the supporting plan.

It is appreciated that on-street parking has been increased recently due to reduced capacity in adjacent off-street parking, but Dewsbury Road is a key route used by public transport and so the traffic flow is the priority.

It should be noted that after initial resident consultations, the Governing Body considered that the restrictions should be increased as indicated on the supporting plan.

South Lane

After complaints regarding inappropriate parking limiting the visibility for drivers leaving adjacent businesses, waiting restrictions are proposed as indicated on the supporting plan to protect these accesses.

Huddersfield Road (Ainleys)

After complaints regarding inappropriate parking limiting the visibility for drivers leaving adjacent businesses and side roads, waiting restrictions are proposed as indicated on the supporting plan to protect access.

Gordon Street

We have received complaints of unlawful entry and parking from residents.

We have recently consulted the affected residents regarding introducing a Resident Permit Zone (RPZ) to replace the existing Prohibition of Driving; most residents were in support of the RPZ and the associated changes to parking restrictions as indicated on the supporting plan.

It should be noted that if the proposal progresses, the existing permits for the Prohibition of Driving will no longer be valid and will need to be replaced by a Resident Permit.

For information about Resident Permits, see: Parking permits.

Sunnybank Drive and Woodfield Avenue, Greetland

After complaints of inappropriate parking on the above junctions (in particular at school start and finishes), waiting restrictions are proposed as indicated on the supporting plan to protect these junctions.

Supporting documents

Further details of the proposals can be viewed on our TraffWeb Public Consultation page and also found in the supporting documents below.

Please note: The TraffWeb Public Consultation page shows proposed changes only. Existing restrictions are shown on the TraffWeb Traffic Orders page.

Legal documents

Proposed plans

Should you have any questions, please contact or telephone 01422 288001 or 01422 288002.

How to comment

Send, in writing, via:

Closing date for comments

  • The closing date for comments was 13th June 2024.

What happens next?

When the consultation ends, all representations and comments will be considered.

A report, with responses, will be presented to the TRO Governing Body for final consideration.

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