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Business rates overview

Business rates are collected by local authorities to contribute towards the cost of local services.

Non-domestic rates or 'business rates', collected by local authorities are the way that those who occupy non-domestic property contribute towards the cost of local services.

Under the business rates retention arrangements (1st April 2013), authorities keep a proportion of the business rates paid locally.

The money, together with revenue from Council Tax payers, locally generated income and grants from central government, is used to pay for the services provided by local authorities in your area.

What the Council does:

  • Work out the amount you have to pay and send you the rates bill.
  • Collect the amount due and administer discounts or exemptions you are entitled to.
  • Take action to recover sums due, if they are not paid as legally required.
  • Notify the VOA of any newly built, extended, demolished or otherwise altered business properties that come to our attention.

We do not assess the rateable value which is used to calculate the amount you have to pay. This is carried out by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).

For more information on business rates, see:

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