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Halifax Borough Market

Find out about this market and what is changing.

Halifax market banner

Visiting Halifax Borough Market

Markets have operated in Halifax since time immemorial.

Visiting Halifax Borough Market for the first time feels a bit like taking a step back in time. This award-winning market was first opened in 1896 and has been the beating heart of the town ever since. Its Victorian splendour can be seen throughout – on the ornate clock-tower, in the glass roof and on the intricate carvings. Décor and atmosphere combine to create a shopping experience that just cannot be matched.

Visitors from all over the world come here to experience a slice of Yorkshire life. It is a real treat to see the vast, stunning Victorian building and wander through the maze of stalls.

While the market's roots are planted in the past, the eyes of its stall holders are fixed on the future. Not only are there outstanding traditional family butchers and grocery stalls which have been passed down through generations. You will also find new stall holders tempting our taste buds with a bounty of exotic produce from the continent.

Do not miss the prize-winning pies, local venison and beef reared by one of the butchers on his own farm. Or for a sugary treat, indulge your inner child with toffees, fudge, boiled sweets and brandy snaps. And our market's fishmongers will not disappoint. From the exotic to the native, extravagant to inexpensive, the quality of produce on offer is remarkable.

Halifax market from above

There is more to the market than food!

If you feel creative, our haberdashery, fabric stall and wool shops are an absolute treasure trove. There are vibrant flower shops, a perfumers, an exotic lingerie stall and a well stocked hardware shop. We even have a fabulous wine shop.

There are also lots of cafes and stalls all serving up a variety of cuisines.

This market is a special place to visit. Meeting people, learning about new products and having a friendly chat is always on offer! You will have a shopping experience that you just cannot find anywhere else!

If you visit on certain dates you can join one of the guided tours. These take in the history of the market, introduce you to traders and visit the unique 'Street in The Sky'. Prepare to be amazed by the full street of terrace houses and old Victorian hotel above the market's roof! For more about this, visit: Streets in the Sky Guided Tours (Visit Calderdale).

The Market

  • A Grade II* listed by English Heritage.
  • Was awarded the title of best market by the National Association of British Market Authorities in 2008.
  • A centenary celebration was held in 1996, coinciding with Great British Market Week between 19 and 26 May.

So, welcome to Halifax Borough Market. Come and explore…

For more about the market's rich history, please see: The History of Halifax Borough Market.


The market is currently undergoing some changes, so if you visit you will see areas under construction. This is to kick-start a new lease of life for the building. We want to take it forward into the future so that it remains that strong beating heart for the community.

As part of the Future High Streets Fund we will develop the market and the area around it. We will make some exciting changes, such as:

  • Create an events space that can be used outside market trading hours.
  • Enhance the pop-up units in the Albany Arcade.
  • Refurbish the toilet facilities.
  • Add extra security features.

We will also make some improvements, such as:

  • Replace the main market roof.
  • Update the lighting throughout the market.
  • Remove some overhead storage units.
  • Repaint the market.
  • Enhance the central area around the clock.

For more details, please visit: Halifax Future High Streets (Calderdale Next Chapter).


Our wonderful Victorian market sits bang in the centre of Halifax.

  • A two minute walk from the Piece Hall.
  • A five minute walk from the train/bus stations and Eureka children's museum.

You can access it via Albion Street, Southgate, Russell Street and Market Street.

  • Address: 19 Albion Street, Halifax. HX1 1DU.

For details of nearby parking, please see: Halifax town centre street parking.


  • Public toilets.
  • Disabled toilet.
  • Nappy changing.

Opening times

Day Hours
Monday: 8am to 4.30pm
Tuesday: 8am to 4.30pm
Wednesday: 8am to 4.30pm
Thursday: 8am to 4.30pm
Friday: 8am to 4.30pm
Saturday: 8am to 4.30pm
Sunday: Closed

Closed on Bank Holiday Mondays.

Trading details

  • Goods: General retail.
  • Stalls: 91 and 37 external shops.


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