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Chief Executive's Office

Find out about our Chief Executive and what his office does.

Robin Tuddenham

Chief Executive, Calderdale Council and Place Lead, West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

Robin Tuddenham, Chief Executive, Calderdale Council

Robin has been Chief Executive at Calderdale Council, in West Yorkshire, since June 2017, previously the Accountable Officer for NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) since October 2020 and is Calderdale's Place Lead for West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board. He is responsible for leading both the Council's and Calderdale place's workforce, supporting system leadership across the area with public, private and voluntary sector leaders in support of Calderdale Vision 2024 and overseeing a £600m capital programme across the borough's market towns.

Robin is Place Lead for Calderdale for West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and is joint SRO of the Improving Population Health Programme. He was elected lead spokesperson for Solace for Economic Prosperity in October 2020, having been deputy lead for Health and Social Care for the previous two years.

Robin was previously Director of Communities and Business Change for Calderdale, leading the redevelopment of the multi-award-winning restoration of the Piece Hall and new Central Library in Halifax and prior to that worked in local government and the Probation Service in East London. Robin is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, an honorary life member of the Faculty of Public Health and a Trustee of the Lankelly Chase Foundation.

The Chief Executive's Office includes these services:

Public Health

Director: Deborah Harkins

The Director of Public Health is responsible for promoting and protecting the health and well-being of Calderdale's residents, working to enable people and communities to stay healthy and preventing ill health. She is the chief source of public health leadership and advice to the Council and the local NHS and works closely with the Directors of Adult and Children's Services to improve the health and well-being of Calderdale residents and reduce inequalities in health.

The key to improving health and well-being of local people is to take action to address the factors that influence health and well-being. This requires work across the breadth of Council functions and with the NHS, voluntary and community Sector, Police and Fire services, early years and schools, workplaces and local communities.

Public Health Directors Report 2019

The report is the previous Director's (Paul Butcher) independent assessment of the state of health in Calderdale.

  • It focuses on healthy ageing.
  • It explores implications for the future of our health and social care system.

He made a number of recommendations on how organisations, communities and individuals, need to respond more effectively to the changing age profile in Calderdale.

Influences on health and well-being

  • Biological:
    • age;
    • sex;
    • and genetics.
  • Health behaviours:
    • diet;
    • smoking;
    • physical activity;
    • substance misuse;
    • and sexual health.
  • Community factors:
    • social connectedness;
    • feeling safe;
    • and community cohesion.
  • Social, economic and environmental factors:
    • income;
    • housing;
    • education;
    • culture;
    • transport;
    • climate change;
    • air quality;
    • the design of the built environment;
    • and access to green space.
  • Access to health, care and well-being services and support.

The work includes:

  • The development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Calderdale with the Director of Adults, Health and Social Care and the Director of Children and Young People's Services to identify the health, well-being and health care needs and assets of people in Calderdale.
  • Leading and supporting programmes to improve health and well-being, reduce health inequalities and promote social inclusion. For example programmes to support healthy weight, tobacco control, physical activity, good mental well-being and to address substance misuse and infant mortality.
  • Working with neighbourhoods and local communities to empower them to take action to protect and improve health and well-being.
  • Supporting the Emergency Preparedness of Calderdale and responding to and recovering from, public health emergencies (such as Coronavirus and flooding).
  • Supporting, the Council and local partners play their part in improving health and reducing health inequalities.

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