Risk of flooding
Check if your property is at risk of flooding: Risk of flooding.
If you live in a flood warning area you can get free alerts from the Environment Agency. These can be by phone, email or text message when there is a risk of river flooding to property. If you want to sign up for this service or change the way you get warnings, contact the Environment Agency:
- Online: Sign up for free flood warnings.
- Phone: 0345 988 1188 (Floodline).
Surface water
If you are not in a river flooding area, but think you may be vulnerable to surface water flooding, the Council's drainage engineers may be able to give advice.
- Phone Streetcare on: 01422 288002.
There are a large number of reservoirs in Calderdale, 13 of these have been categorised by a study commissioned by central government as high priority reservoirs.
An emergency off-site response plan has been developed for each of these 13 reservoirs. If you live in an area that may be most affected by a reservoir, you will have received information in November 2013.