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Support from the Council

During a flooding incident, we will try to do these actions where necessary:

  • Activate emergency plans and put resources on standby.
  • Work with emergency services and deploy resources to the scene. Assess the situation and mitigate the effects of the flood by dealing with road closures and diversion routes. Monitor sensitive grids, screens and gullies to try to keep them running free.
  • Raise and repair defences or divert water away from groups of properties and key infrastructure. For example, electricity substations and the highway.
  • Provide advice and information to the public about how to respond to potential flood risk.
  • If an evacuation is necessary, ensure residents are provided with temporary accommodation and transport.
  • Assist in the welfare of known vulnerable people.
  • Provide advice and assistance to those residents of properties that have been flooded on how to clear up after the event. Also, to help the community return to a state of normality as soon as possible.

VHF Radio System

During the flooding of winter 2015, many of the Council's communication networks were not available or were severely disrupted in areas affected by power loss. The loss of power and the inability to communicate effectively affected both the response and the recovery.

After a review of our response to the flooding, a borough-wide radio network was deemed critical to save lives and reduce harm. We have now put a tried and tested VHF radio network in place. This system relies on several antennae and repeater sites which transmit the signals required to provide that “blanket” coverage.

The radio network not only adds effectiveness to the Council's response, it also provides a further means of communication within the community during major incidents or emergency responses. For more about this, please see: 

Keeping you informed

If the weather causes disruption to services, schools closure or the cancellation of events, information will be published online. See: Eye On Calderdale and Emergency updates and service disruptions.

Useful Information

You can find current information on flooding, weather and traffic disruptions on Calderdale's community website: Eye on Calderdale .

For mapping data that includes GaugeMap (river gauge data) and a register of Calderdale's flood risk assets, see: Data Works.