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Energy efficiency at the Council

Here you can find information on what Calderdale Council is doing to be more energy efficient.

We have been working hard to lower our carbon emissions.

We are accredited to the internationally recognised ISO 14001 certification scheme for quality in environmental management. This standard lets people know which organisations you can trust to have acted on environmental issues like climate change. It shows:

  • Commitment to ongoing improvements.
  • We are at the forefront when it comes to tackling climate change.

These are some projects that helped us to gain the standard:

  • Solar panels on suitable schools.
  • Less fuel used in Council fleet vehicles.
  • Energy-saving measures in building Hebden Bridge/King Cross libraries and Sowerby Bridge/Brighouse pools.
  • Over £250,000 in energy efficiency measures in other existing public buildings.
  • A ground source heat pump at Shibden Hall's Mereside Cafe.

Below, you can find out more about our energy efficiency projects. 

For ways you can help save energy check out our guide: Climate change: how you can help

Carbon management in schools

One of our largest sources of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is from the energy used in our schools. The cost of energy is already significant and is set to rise considerably over the coming years. In light of this, the Council is working directly with schools to reduce their environmental impact, as well as their bills.

Work completed so far

  • Work with schools to install wind turbines, solar panels and biomass boilers.
  • Training provided for Head Teachers and Premise Managers at the 20 schools with the highest energy consumption across the Borough.
  • Energy surveys conducted at several schools in the district and action plans developed to reduce energy use and CO2 emissions.
  • Partnership working with the Alternative Technology Centre in Hebden Bridge. This is to promote the SUSSED energy and water reduction programme in Calderdale's primary schools.

Future work

To be developed via Climate Emergency, such as:

  • Support the installation of more renewables.
  • Raise awareness of carbon management among schools.

Useful links

The Carbon Trust

A government-funded independent company, launched in 2002. It helps to implement energy efficiency in the business and public sectors. It also aims to encourage the development of a low carbon sector in the UK.


An international environmental award scheme for schools, rewarding and accrediting schools that have made a commitment to continuously improving their environmental performance.

Alternative Technology Centre

Based in Hebden Bridge the Centre is an educational resource centre. Home to SUSchool and the SUSSED energy and water reduction programme.

Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)

The Centre seeks:

  • Sustainable energy solutions that engage people and communities;
  • to meet real needs for both environmentally sound and affordable energy services.

It delivers innovative education programmes to schools. Downloadable pupil activity sheets (closely linked to the curriculum), guidance/support for teachers and energy auditing, management and monitoring.

Energy management in Council buildings

Our Environmental Policy sets us the challenge to reduce our CO2 emissions by 40% (from 2005 levels) by 2020.

Energy use in our buildings is a major:

  • Source of CO2 (a green house gas that effects climate change).
  • Expense with costs set to rise over the coming years.

To address these issues, we will:

Record and check energy consumption

Monthly/quarterly billing data put in a database that lets us:

  • Do tariff analysis.
  • Tell building users of high/low consumption and look at the reasons for this, then giving advice, guidance and support.
  • Calculate performance indicators to find areas that can be made more cost effective.

Energy audits

  • Detailed investigation of building use, fabric, occupancy, heating and lighting controls.
  • Measurement of energy flows and performance of plant and equipment.
  • Review of policies and practices for energy management.
  • The chance found for investment in energy efficiency measures.

Smarter Fuel purchasing

The Environmental Management team works with building users to ensure the most cost effective fuel purchasing possible for Council buildings.

Energy efficiency improvements

This is the most cost effective way to lower our CO2 emissions. Initiatives already in place include:

  • A combined heat and power system for Todmorden Pool.
  • Quality insulated new pools at Sowerby Bridge and Brighouse.
  • Efficient lighting for the Town Hall.

Purchasing green energy for Council buildings

  • 17% of all the electricity we use is now generated from certified renewable energy sources.
  • This means a CO2 saving of around 1,020 tons per year.

More information

Association for the Conservation of Energy

This aims to:

  • Encourage a national awareness of the need for and benefits of energy conservation.
  • Help to establish sensible and consistent national policies and programmes.
  • Increase investment in energy saving measures.

Energy Saving Trust

The Trust focuses on delivering practical energy conservation solutions for households, small firms and the road transport sector.

Centre for Sustainable Energy

An independent charity which aims to advance sustainable energy policy and practice. CSE seeks environmentally sound and affordable energy solutions that meet the needs of and engage with people and communities.


Environmental Management Team (Housing and Green Economy):

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