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Calderdale demographic information.

Calderdale comprises of the towns of Halifax, Elland, Brighouse, Sowerby Bridge, Hebden Bridge and Todmorden as well as a number of villages. It is one of the smallest metropolitan districts in of population, but one of the largest in terms of area, with very strong rural elements.

For full details on the demographic information of the borough of Calderdale, see: Calderdale demographic information.

Ward profiles and data

We have a dataset on various aspects of public health in Calderdale: Calderdale Data Works: Public Health data by ward.

The dataset includes data on population, ethnicity, deprivation, families, physical and mental health, life expectancy, and older people.

Calderdale Data Works also include a profile on each ward within the borough. The profiles include demographic, deprivation, health (including Public Health England ward profiles) and schools information. These profiles are added to as more information is made available:

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