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Bramsche Square car park

Long stay pay and display car park. Parking charges apply.


Bramsche Square car park
Bramsche Square
OL14 5DL
United Kingdom

Opening hours

Open all day, Monday to Sunday.

Charging times

Monday to Saturday. 8am to 6pm (pay and display charges do not apply on official bank holidays).


Duration Charge
Up to 1 hour £0.90
Up to 2 hours £1.80
Up to 3 hours £2.70
Up to 4 hours £3.60
Up to 5 hours £4.50
Up to 6 hours £5.40
Up to 7 hours £6.30
Up to 8 hours £7.20
Up to 9 hours £8.10
Over 9 hours £9.00
Please check the tariff board in the car park for the most up to date prices and conditions. We try to keep the information above up to date. However, the price on the board in the car park is the correct version, if there is a difference.

Payment types accepted

More information

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