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Guidance for permit applications

Here you can find guidance on how to create an account and apply for a permit.

Select a step for more information: 

  1. Create a new permit account

    Create a new account and select an 'Account type'. You will need to choose from Resident, Staff, Public and Other.

  2. Enter your account details

    Set an email address and a new password. Then enter your personal details.

  3. Confirm account registration

    Select the link in the email sent to the registered email address to finish your account set up.

  4. Log in

    Once you have created an account, you can log in to view, update and apply for permits. 

  5. Apply for a permit

    Now your account is created you can create a new permit application. 

  6. Accept terms and conditions

    Agree to the terms and conditions for the permit you have selected. 

  7. Upload files

    You might need to upload documents for some permits.

  8. Pay for a permit

    Complete your application and make payment using a secure payment page.

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